Chapter 13

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Obviously I still plan to leave, but if I lie and say I won't, they will leave my room and i'll sneak out in the middle of the night tonight. Besides, maybe I can also get some answers to the questions i've been asking for years.

"Ok fine. First off, Why did Mike do that to me? Why did he use me for months and then play that stupid fucking game last night for you guys? Why would he do that?"

Luke, Ethan, and Carter remained in silence for a moment, clearly waiting for one of the other brothers to speak up first. This game was risky because nobody knew how much they could say to me. If one of them says too much the others will get mad. I need to use this vulnerability to my advantage.

Ethan spoke first. "Mike wasn't apart of any of our plans. He didn't use you Brynn. Everything is how you saw it, Luke caught you guys and that was that. We hated Mike. I actually knew you were hanging out with Mike prior to Luke finding you. You really think you can hide having a friend for once in your life. I don't think i've ever seen you so happy."

"Then why did you ruin it!" I screamed. What he was saying made no sense.

"Because I hated-hate you. Seeing you miserable makes me feel better about myself Brynn."

"Ok then why was Mike there yesterday."

I could visibly see Ethan tense. I knew he thought he had changed the subject effectively.


"I blackmailed him." Luke cut off. "After I found you guys together and I kicked him out, the next day at school, I went up to him and threatened that me, Caleb, Carter, and Ethan would all go after him. I said we'd bully him like we bullied you, nonstop. The little fucker tried to play the hero and keep saying how he didn't care-blah blah blah- but after I punched him in the face he shut up real quick." Luke laughed.

"You're disgusting."


"Why? Why do you guys hate me? We used to be a family. You guys used to protect me and care for me. Why did you ruin my life?"
I could feel my eyes water up but I pushed them back. This was a loaded question. Hopefully, I'd get at least half of a response if i'm lucky.

"You got everything you wanted Brynn. Mom and dad didn't even know our fucking birthdays but of course they knew yours. God forbid you fell on the sidewalk -like every toddler does- I'd get beat by dad because I should have caught you. You one time cried for hours because Caleb refused to give you his phone, so mom and dad forced him to give it to you forever and then punched the shit out of him, so hard his nose broke. You ruined our fucking lives, so we wanted to ruin yours." Carter seethed.

I was at a loss for words. I've never been close to dad, but never in my life did I know that he used to hit my brothers. I remember sitting on the stairs, listening to screaming, but I thought it was because of how upset they were? Not because they were in pain. A pang of guilt came crashing down on me. I don't even remember any of the stuff Carter had said I did. No wonder why they hated me, I would have hated me too, I was awful, but I was young. I didn't know right from wrong.

"You ruined my life because of things I did when I was in elementary school?"

"God you never fucking understand anything. Are you fucking dumb? Do you really think because we started hating you that mom and dad did too? After everything they did to us on your behalf you think they just flipped a switch and started ignoring you like they do now?"

"Explain it to me then."

Ethan jumped in. "When we started hating you, the beatings got worse. We weren't allowed to have friends over, couldn't go anywhere besides school, and sometimes weren't allowed food. But you wouldn't know that would you Brynn? You were so self absorbed. This was when we were 10 by the way. You weren't that fucking young. I noticed how fucked up it was and I was your twin. Not to mention you barely even looked at me, or at any of us."

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