Chapter 7

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Ethan had never said anything about his two checks. Wether he noticed and chose to not say anything or didn't notice at all, he saved my ass. Nobody found out about my runaway attempt that night and I was so grateful. Part of me wishes I had gone through with it.

Being home, nothing really changed. Ethan was still a bitch. He had faltered the day I left but after that he went back to his usual self. There were some moments here and there when he acted like a twin brother, but they ended very quickly once he realized he was being nice. For example, last night I dropped my plate after dinner. My parents screamed at me but Ethan got up and helped clean all the glass on the floor, that is until Carter called me a loser which seemed to remind him of who I was. Nothing. Ethan got back up and walked back to the table, dropping the pieces he had cleaned up back on the floor.

Winter break just began on the bright side, meaning Christmas was tomorrow. I've always loved Christmas. The perks of being a rich kid means I get gifts, which is rare because my parents can never fathom the idea of buying me anything. They only get me stuff for this single
holiday, so naturally it's my favorite day.

"Kids come downstairs, family meeting!" My mom screamed up the stairs. I could hear the groans coming from my brothers rooms as we all moped down the stairs. Of course I got tripped on the way though by Carter.

"Fucking bitch." I mumbled, rubbing my ankle. It landed weirdly when I fell.

Carters face lit up out of amusement when he heard my not so quiet insult. I never talk back, so i'm sure this is like a new level unlocked for him.

He squatted down to reach my level and grabbed the collar of my t-shirt. "What did you call me?"

I knew there was only one way to get out of this without too much pain, so I swallowed the bullet and did what I always did. Fucking coward.

"Sorry I didn't say anything."

He seemed to be amused by my words, continuing to stare into my eyes while silence remained. He was evaluating me, clearly deciding wether he should let me go or not. I stared back at him to hopefully reflect intimidation. His eyes were full of pure hatred and it made me sick to my stomach. How could somebody hate their little sister so much?

A clear gooey substance smacked me in the face, slowly gliding down my left cheek. He spit on me. My eyes widened in shock and rage. Well this was a new one, spit. Despite that not being the least bit painful, just pure disgusting, it stung way beyond any insult or punch would have. Spitting felt so degrading. I don't even feel human anymore. I feel like a rabid animal constantly being attacked by its prey. That's exactly how my brothers have always wanted me to feel, beneath them. They did whatever they could to insert power and control over me and it always works. I'm just too weak and out numbered.

Carter got one last laugh in before leaving me there and heading downstairs to our family meeting. I quickly brought myself back together, pushing down the tears and wiping off the spit. Once I arrived in the family room everyone was already seated on our coaches clearly awaiting me.

"Ok now that Brynn is here, your father and I have something to discuss with you." My mom announced like we were at some fucking business meeting. I couldn't imagine what was so important that they actually needed to talk to us. My parents say maybe 1 word a week to us kids.

My mom continued on after taking a deep breath, and I almost saw guilt. This can't be good.

"We know that christmas is in a few days, and I hate to be the bear of bad news, but we will be leaving for a month, starting tomorrow."

All our mouths were gaped open. My parents have always pretty much ignored us, but they've never left us alone for a month. I could practically feel my heart fall out of my chest and onto the ground where it was stomped on thousands of times. This has to be my worst nightmare come true. My brothers barely held their abuse back when my parents WERE around, how will they be with no parental supervision?

My mind began racing with thoughts.

Do I run away?

Should I beg to go with them?

Should I just hide for a month in my room?

"Why what the fuck!" Luke practically yelled, bringing me back to the present.

"Language." My dad sternly said. Of course that's the only thing he can say. He was never one to talk, but this was beyond low, for both of them. Who knows how long they knew of this and are telling us the day before they leave with little to no explanation?

My mom sighed, rubbing her temples with her fingers.

"Look honey, you know how much of a wack job my family is. Your Aunt Susan needs us right now. She's homeless in London scavenging off leftover food people throw in the dumpsters. She called me last night practically begging for my help. We might not even be gone for a month, it all depends when we successfully get her situated and on her feet again. Hopefully, we can get her a good job and a place to stay, and we all know how long that'll take, who's gonna wanna hire Susan," she says the last part to herself. My moms family is pretty crazy, but I never would have expected Aunt Susan to be struggling so much. She was always pretty put together, although she had a raging drug addiction. Maybe it finally caught up to her.

I felt terrible now. I've been so selfish only thinking of myself and what this would mean for me, but Aunt Susan is struggling all alone right now. She deserves my parents help for however long she needs. Im complexed as to why my dad is going though, so I decide to ask.

"But I don't understand, why do you need to go with her dad?"

He seemed a little taken aback by my question, probably because I don't talk a lot to him. I don't talk at all really. It's scary knowing that one wrong move and you're getting beat up. I've learned to keep my thoughts to myself at this point.

"It's none of your business." He snapped.

God I really hate him. Some dad he is.

"Whatever." I huffed, getting up ready to retreat back to my room. Someone grabbed my wrist and yanked me back to the couch where I was just seated, and not in a friendly manner.

"Don't be a bitch." Carter seethed, clearly warning me with his eyes. Why the fuck did he care.

Of course nobody corrected his language since he was sticking up for my dad! Laugh out loud.

"Thank you Carter. So now we just need to discuss the logistics of this all. Carter will be in charge since he's the oldest. There will be absolutely no party's, we will have a family FaceTime once a week, if I get one call from
your high school that one of you guys skipped there will be huge consequences. I will fly my ass back home and punish you and then go back to London if I have to. We've left you guys with plenty of money in your personal bank accounts. I expect somebody to cook dinner while we are gone, not order out every night. Brynn, i'm sure you can handle that. Once you run out of money I will not be replenishing. You each have plenty you shouldn't run out. We leave tomorrow morning at 4 AM so Id like to say our goodbyes now. Also, we bought you guys 1 present each and they are in your mother and I's closet, so open them Christmas day."

Once my dad finally stopped talking, we all acknowledged the rules and said our goodbyes before heading back upstairs. I couldn't stop thinking about what my dad had said about dinner. Brynn, im sure you can handle that. What was that even supposed to mean? Is it because i'm a girl?

As I was making my way upstairs, a cold voice began whispering in my ear.

"Welcome to hell."

I got literal shivers down my spine. The culprit pushed me into the railing before passing me. I was a little shocked to say the least when I realized it was Ethan who said that. So much for thinking we'd maybe become friends.

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