Chapter 4

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"Caleb please!" I begged, tears falling from my face. He ignored my pleads and continued pounding on my stomach. I increased my screaming, praying someone would
come to my rescue, but this only caused him to kick my face as a warning to shut up. Mom was only downstairs after all. Once he was satisfied with himself, he left me there and walked away, acting like nothing happened. My limb body laid curled up in a ball on the cold hard floor. I was shaking, clutching my stomach in pain. My own blood lay beneath me. I had no power to get up, so I chose to lay there for the next hour. All the thoughts that raced my mind consisted of killing myself. The pain would finally end. All of it. Next thing I knew the darkness overtook me.

I practically jolted out of my skin. Carter always screams in the morning. He needs serious help. At first I was confused, but the realization of it being a Monday quickly hit me fast. I lazily peered over my bed to check the time, and i'm pretty sure my heart stopped beating.
I forgot to set my alarm. I leaped out of bed sprinting to my closet to get ready. I winced in pain when putting my shirt on my body, memories flooding back of the event last night. Quickly dismissing it, I continued getting changed knowing I had to get to the car within 10 minutes some how. If I was any second late my brothers would leave me. The bus was out of question too, that came 20 minutes ago.

"BRYNN IM LEAVING IN 5 FUCKING MINUTES." Carter screamed up. I had zero time for makeup so I already knew today was gonna be a musty day. I dressed myself in random sweats and a sweatshirt. It was the most appropriate thing for a monday running late. With 1 minute to spare I ran downstairs and out to the driveway where all 4 of my brothers impatiently sat, looking like they were going to blow up for making them wait. I wrapped my hand around the door handle and pulled, but it wouldn't open.

"Open the door." I yelled through the sealed windows. Ethan, who was sitting in the backseat, had the largest smirk you'd ever see plastered on his face. Carter slowly began to back the car up as I was screaming to stop the car. He gave me a quick glance before completely pulling out and leaving. I just stood in the driveway in complete rage and shock. What the fuck.

There was no way I'd make it to school in time for first period, the walk was 20 minutes. My parents had already left for work so I'm completely stuck. Normally i'd just miss the day, but if I have another absent I could risk a suspension. I'm absent quite a lot due to me having parents who could care less about school and brothers who don't give a fuck about you.

"This is just great." I mumbled to myself, rolling my eyes mentally and physically. I hate walking to school, this will truly be the end of me.

By the time I arrived to jail, also known as school, second period was halfway over. Granted it's a 20 minute walk, It takes me about an hour because of all the breaks I take. Mrs. Subriski gave me a death glare when I entered, along with everyone's stares.

"I'm sorry I missed the bus this morning." I mumbled, rushing to my seat. I hate being the center of attention. Probably because whenever I am it's not for a good reason.

"So that caused you to be an hour late? Not to mention you haven't been in my class in over a week?" She spat back. I jumped a little, shocked she had said something back. Most of my teachers just leave my excuses at that, they don't ask anymore questions.

"I've been really sick."

I could hear a few kids chuckling, one having their phone out doing no other than recording. Who wouldn't wanna miss up on this, I was the laughing stalk of school, any content with me went viral.

"You're sick every other week Brynn. Get out of my class and go to the principles office."

My cheeks flushed red. This was so embarrassing. I slowly stood out of my seat and dallied my way to the door. I had no energy for this and I wasn't going to give my classmates the satisfaction of me caring and putting on a scene.

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