Chapter 14

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Gabe was a...fascinating...guy. He had always been a pretty quiet dude which made me completely confused as to how he was Carters best friend, I mean carter doesn't shut the fuck up. But for the most part, Gabe was predictable . He played one role in my life, my older brother's best friend. He didn't change anything for the better or for the worst, so I wasn't sure how this was gonna go. Gabe living here threw me a curve ball. I had this entire articulated, bulletproof plan set and Gabe fucked it up. Was he gonna tell my brothers where I was? Was he gonna bully me just as much as they did at home? I don't know and i'm not trying to figure it out.

"I think I should leave." I said softly to Mike after I pulled him aside in some fancy unneeded room.

"Look, Gabe isn't going to be a problem. I'll talk to him he'll keep his mouth shut."

"I-I want to believe you but I can't risk this Mike. If he tells Carter or anyone in my family i'm fucked. They will come and get me and treat me worse than before. I'm leaving."

"Where are you gonna go?" Mike asked sternly. It was more like sarcasm than a question.

"I don't know, but I can't stay here!"

"Brynn please, let me talk to him first." Mike grabbed my dangling hand in his, "i'll find a way for you to stay here. You have no where else to go and I need you."

Butterflies erupted in the pit of my stomach. He needed me? Nobody has ever needed me, people hate me. I'm a distraction, a nuisance, not a person somebody needs or wants around.

Something came over me, maybe the validation or just how amazing Mike has been to me today, but I kissed him. I completely launched forward and locked his lips with mine. This was my first kiss. For a second he froze under my touch, but after his brain realized what was happening he claimed my lips like none other. The kiss turned from a peck to a lustful makeout. His hands lowered down my back before resting on my ass. I just wanted to kiss him until my lips fell off. I've never felt this feeling before and I didn't want it to end. Unfortunately, Mike backed away after a couple of minutes, smiling like a cheshire cat.

"You know i'd love to make out more but we are in my living room with my mom next door." He laughs. I laugh with him. Mike is the only person i've ever laughed with since Avery.

"Let me talk to Gabe." He said smiling before he ran into the hallway, leaving me in his fancy unneeded room.

As I sat on the couch and watched TV, a doorbell rang. My heart practically skipped a beat. I quickly scanned my surroundings making sure none of my brothers were hiding beneath the shadows. Nobody was home. Gabe and Mike went out to talk, I assume about me, and Mikes mom said she was running errands, so i've been home alone for a couple hours now. I choose to ignore whoever was at the door and continue watching my show, but it rang again.

"Fuck me." I said out loud. I got up reluctantly and headed towards the front door. Just in case it was somebody I didn't necessarily want to talk to, I made sure when walking to the door that they couldn't see me through the windows. I crawled.

I peeked through the side window and gasped out loud. Avery was standing on the porch wearing black sweats and a black hoodie. She looked like she was about to commit a crime, and maybe she honestly was. Maybe she's trying to murder me.

"I see you," She yelled through the door, "open the door I just wanna talk."

"fuck fuck fuck fuck." I whispered. It was too late to pretend nobody was home, so cautiously, I opened the door a crack.

"What do you want."

"I want to talk to you. Brynn can you please stop acting like we are strangers." She rolled her eyes at the way she could only see a sliver of my body. "Can I come in?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13 ⏰

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