Dead End [15]

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Y/n couldn't step foot in Akademi, her stomach twisted and turned at the mention of it and her mouth would get filled with saliva. Flashes of memories, invaded any thought she had, so it was constantly on her mind, a reminder of the two lives lost forever.

Even in the corner of her eyes she can see them, Kizano with his skull caved in, his brain and the blood oozing out of the side of his head and the bits and pieces of his skull and skin left like jigsaw pieces on the floor. Amao haunted her as well, he was know to be a positive ray of sunshine that always smiled, but all she saw was a pale soul less figure staring into her soul.

Wounds covered his body and blood stained the fibres of his clothes and both their eyes were as dull as their expressions. She started waking up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat, soaking through her clothes and coating her skin. Her breathing would be rapid and heavy but it eventually slowed down once she realized that the nightmare wasn't real.

She refused to even stare around her pitch black room in fear, he'd be in the corner, watching and judging.

She'd hide under her covers like a child with only herself to comfort, counting the patterns in her blanket till her eyelids fell shut.

She's told her father she was unwell, as he didn't want her to stay off from school even though she said she saw what happened to Kizano, in the flesh. Though, her father doesn't even know much about her or the fact she was their taking pictures, even Musume knows that.

Yet, he wants his princess to stay off from school since other people's deaths shouldn't of tainted one of his daughter's mind. She was precious to him, worth all the money in the world and to him Y/n wasn't even worth a dime. She's sure he's forgotten her name by now.

She just has to wish their deaths weren't real, she wishes things would be better and normal.

Her bubble was slowly forming around her again, just like in middle school, she ignored Kokona's texts, Saki's, Frueddo's and Ayato's messages. She couldn't deal with anyone right now, she was too busy drowning herself in self doubt and shame yet Kokona and Saki weren't having it and they visited her consistently.

It made her remember it's not just her going through it, her friends were as well, so they decided to come to Y/n's house to talk about their feelings and their 5 week plan that is not supposed to be discussed out loud.

They have helped her get out of bed and communicate with the outside world ,like helping her neighbor again, texting her friends more and setting up Taeko and Ayato's 'date'.

She's glad she convinced Taeko to help him ,
'study' since he was an idiot that could only be helped by her. She was so good at planning their love story, they'd be dating soon.

Taeko and her have also started talking more and she found out she has a little brother ,who plays Yanvania and Taeko has been talking to the person he befriended. Taeko doesn't like violent games, so she lets her brother play with her online friend ,who she found out goes to her school.

Y/n got Yanvania too, buying the game from the money she got from her job and she has also befriended the guy called Ruto_xx. She wants to see him at school and he's agreed, they have spoke for hours, ever since Taeko told her about him. He's a great listener and is probably better than those school guidance councilors the school keeps recommending.

She's glad her mind has moved from more darker things to being filled with games, separate from reality and that's exactly what she needs.

She's been told the schools atmosphere has been gloomy and the photography club have been actively looking for suspicious activity.

Club leaders are rightfully a bit concerned about the person targeting them but the motive is still unknown. She asked info chan for an idea or a hint at the cost of a few Info points and she said, "The answer is right under your nose, someone who you wouldn't even consider."

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