Farewell [25]

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The wind blew through her hair at a rapid pace, as she cycled through town to reach Kokona's house. Saki had her arms around her waist so she wouldn't fall off the bike, and her chin was placed on her shoulder. The autumn breeze sent a shiver down both their spines, yet they persevered through all the elements to get to Kokona.

They all mutually decided to make a code, K for Kokona, S for Saki, F for Frueddo and F/LN (first letter of name) for her. This code would only be used if no one in the group had heard or seen and now, Kokona hasn't been seen for a long period of time. They all where going to the manga store after school but she never showed.

No a text, no warning or anything.

She just vanished.

Calls weren't getting through, neither were messages, so there Y/n was cycling through town by bike. Her legs and muscles were on fire and lungs felt like they were a second away from collapsing. She let out raspy breaths, and Saki held onto her tighter, "Look Y/n, Frueddo!" Saki points, making the bike wobble slightly, Y/n's eyes never left the road so she simply nodded.

Frueddo's bike was in line with hers, and his hair looked like a rat was inhabiting it, he looked as if he had fallen off his couch.<br />
He was wearing a guinea tee and he had some beige trousers on with pop tart crumbs around his mouth.

He was clearly freezing, his teeth were chattering and goosebump cover the entirety of his visible skin.

He managed to wipe the crumbs of his face with one arm, while balancing on the bike and he continued to match Y/n's pace and soon enough they arrived. Kokona's house was run down, and the roof looked like it was rotting and the garden in front her house was untamed and wild. They parted through blades of grass, that pointed to the sky, Y/n lead the two through.

They reached a welcome mat in front a white door and Y/n slowly reached down to move the mat to reveal a key. She paused and held a hand to her chest, to try catch her breath. Saki, decides to do Y/n a favour ; she picks up the key instead and twists it in the key hole, till she hears a click.

The door opens with a creak and the smell of booze and smoke fill their nostrils. They all see Kokona's father cough out a thick cloud of smoke, he then takes a swig of alcohol and places his empty bottle down, outting his cigarette under his foot.

He turns to look at them, with stubble on his face and a circle around his mouth, definitely from the bottle of alcohol. He sighs and gets up, opening the window to get rid of some smoke and turns on his air freshener.

"Make yourselves at home, Kokona isn't back yet... Y/n, Saki long time no see and hello, young man. You all wait for her, while I cook up my famous pancakes." Kokona's dad says, he switches on the TV, the TV is one of them old ones shaped like a box.

The floor is stained with random burned spots, presumably from him dropping a ciggie on the floor and stomping it out. It seems that he doesn't smoke while Kokona is around, since he's got air freshener prepared, she feels so bad for Kokona.

They sit down on the brown leather couch and Frueddo snatches the remote off Saki, "Hey!" Saki says, glaring at Frueddo ,who scoffs and changes the channel to Love Isle, "Um? I'm trying to see who Vanessa chooses, do you mind?" Frueddo snaps back, Saki hmphs and crosses her arms, watching the TV show.

Y/n doesn't like the fact they are sitting around when something bad could have happened to Kokona, "Could I check the news channel really quick?" Y/n says, with a smile, that soon turns into a look of hostility, Frueddo practically hits her with the remote trying to get her to stop... That look.

"Good afternoon, news just in from an abandoned warehouse, a dead body has just been discovered. Police say the body is unrecognizable but the uniform of the victim has been identified, that they go to Akademi high." The reporter announces in a monotone voice, Kokona is dead?

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