Brushing Off Beruma [27]

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Ayato decides to stay by her side, he doesn't want her trying anything if he left her alone. He lies on his futon, watching her chest go up and down as she sleeps, the suffocating need to watch her was killing him. It was 4 am and he'd been watching over her ever since her head hit the pillow.

Yua, for once decided to nap on his stomach and occasionally, throughout the night she'd wake up and rub her face against his pale skin. In return, he gave her a few pats as he continued staring at Y/n. Y/n didn't have any nightmares while he was there, she fell asleep in his arms when they were watching a movie. He carefully, carried her bridal style up the steps, as if they were some newly wedded couple, gently placing her down on her bed.

He made sure she was fed and he took care of her by: cooking her favorite meal, making sure she was warm and comfortable by giving her a few blankets while she resided on the sofa. He took the opportunity to look around her house for anything she could possibly use to harm herself, he stuffed them into his backpack and he made sure she didn't notice.

He cleaned out her entire house, mopping, sweeping, vacuuming and washing up all the dishes she left in the sink. It all felt very domestic to him, he didn't even clean his parents house this thoroughly. He noticed the dark bags under her eyes and how they had a slightly red tint to them, so he made her some tea and slipped a sedative in.

It took around 30-60 minutes for her to fall asleep, he wasn't checking the time he was too busy enjoying how close he was to Y/n, as they watched some Disney movies. He offered to comb her hair and she excepted, it was quite messy and it was clear that she wasn't looking after herself so he gave her an appealing style for her to wear and she thanked him.

She told him about some face masks Saki got her for Christmas so for fun, Ayato used some YouTube video as a guideline to help him slather some on her face. He must admit, he did a pretty good job. Then, Y/n did one for him and she jokingly gave him a moustache ,which she took a picture of.

Overall, he would say he had... Fun.

Emotions were a new concept to him but he wouldn't mind sharing that with the one he loves.

He's decided to move away from lethal methods, he doesn't think she can mentally handle another. It's now officially been 8 weeks and he's getting closer and closer to his goal, if he continues progressing with her, like this. His mind wanders to those disgusting teachers he encountered at school, Mujo Kina and especially Mido Rana.

While all that ruckus was going on, with Kokona and Musume, he was able to get Mido Rana arrested and Mujo fired. Mujo, 'accidentally' trips and falls on top of Y/n, when he's supposed to be helping her mental health, not making it worse, his blood was boiling when he saw that.

He wanted to stab, Mujo till he was an unrecognized mess of flesh and blood. He took out his phone and took a picture of the inappropriate pose Mujo was in, with Y/n. One trip to the guidance counselor, was enough to get him fired on the spot.

Akademi was already going through enough and they really can't afford predator's like him at the school.

Taeko helped him with Mido, recording videos of his advances towards female students and him trying to get Y/n to stay with him for a 'private lesson' after class.

Soon, the flashing red and blue lights, arrived and took Mido away, it's safe to say he won't be allowed to be a teacher again.

There was always someone interfering ; he'd simply have to learn how to adapt and to continue using more non-lethal approaches to his rivals.

Morning soon arrives, and the sun rises above the horizon, Y/n wakes up with a loud yawn and looks down at the teal Futon, to see no Ayato in sight. She sighs, she stretches and her back loudly cracks, she rubs the sleep out of her eyes and carefully heads down the stairs.

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