Force [30]

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Y/n walks alongside Saki, the pair are heading off to the police station, today's the day to see whether they can prosecute...Ayato and Horuda. Y/n feels so terrible but Saki has been sending her warm smiles and comforting words telling her 'this is for all the people we've lost.'

They are both oblivious to the women in red, following them, click. The lady snaps a picture of Y/n, looking her up and down with a grin. She hums a song with each step she takes, with her hands balled up in front of her. Y/n is far to focused to notice her, her mind is to clouded with thoughts and feelings to.

The woman knows her expression all too well, how the tense the girl is, she tilts her head, smiling as she purposely bumps into the girl.
"My apologies, dearie, I can't see as well as I use to!" She smiles, helping Y/n up, the evidence she packed in her bag spilled out of the bag when she fell. The woman helps place the items back in to her bag and Saki helps as well.

"It's fine ma'am, thank you. C'mon Saki we need to get going." Y/n nods at the older woman, she simply smiled back and the two rush away.


Knock. Knock.

Ayato opens the door, he raises his eye brow at the woman wearing a red turtle neck dress, wearing a similar hairstyle to his mother's. Her ponytail is tied with a white hair band and it's long enough to be placed onto her shoulder. Her hair reaches to her waist and one of the strands from her bangs reaches to her nose.

"Hello, are you here for a particular reason?" Ayato questions the woman at his door, she takes a step into his house and pulls him into a tight, bone-crushing hug. He was quite taken a back by this gesture, he looks down at the woman and he has no idea what's going on.

"Oh, my dear grandson! Your Senpai, is quite a beauty, I'm sure you've been successful at keeping your Senpai close. I've noticed we Aishi's do such a long process to get our loved instead of just kidnapping them, right off the bat. I got a basement added to my home so I only needed to do the bare minimum to acquire my sweetheart!" His 'grandmother', says, she lets go of him and rushes past him to sit down on the sofa.

She's walking like she owns this entire house.

"I never developed any knowledge of murder or seduction techniques, like the Aishi's commonly used. I was basically incapable of getting my Senpai so I received help from my family. I never had to work a day in my life." She continued, the Aishi's don't visit eachother as much as other families do, we tend to distance ourselves since we have our lovers and no one holds any malice towards anyone in our family.

"My dear, Ryoba was cared for by my own mother, since she couldn't learn the skills us Aishi's must possess to protect our Senpai's. I mainly focused on my own life and since Ryoba has enough knowledge from my mother, she pursued her Senpai, your father, after following him for a year to keep him safe." She laughs at the end, finally getting up to take the boiling cup off tea from Ayato.

"I would advice, that you hurry up and kidnap her, I saw her walking to the police station with her blue haired friend." His grandmother, blows into the cup of liquid.

"I don't need to worry, I have a someone who can take the blame. She really thinks I'll help her, with her 'problem' at school when in reality she's just a pawn. I have blackmail against her and whatever Y/n says in court will be casted aside. I'm already getting rid of some delinquent, who has taken a liking to her." Ayato spoke calmly, tapping his finger against the smooth table.

"How delightful! I have a tip for you. Hair pins and paperclips." His grandma starts, Ayato stops tapping his finger against the table, paying full attention to her, "You can use these to get into people's lockers, you'll need this. I've been watching you for quite sometime, your trying to get someone expelled, a delinquent. Steal someone's belongings and blame it on Osorō, he'll surely get expelled. I would suggest befriending people aswell, by performing a task for them, that makes them feel indebt to you and therefore they might help you in court. I have used people to get what I want, when I want."

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