Going Overboard [32]

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Y/n finds her self lying on Ayato's bed, since she sees him laying on the floor below. On a futon, with his limbs outstretched like some starfish, with a bit of drool trailing down his mouth. It was times like this, where she couldn't believe he was a killer, she thinks murder is such an inhumane thing to do.

To take another life.

Yet, right now looked like an average person, trying to get through school and a person that was her friend. It hurts her heart so much that he is the one who's taken everything from her. The person she laughed with, smiled with and the guy who always comforted her, even when she pushed him away.

She was desperate, to have someone to trust, after hearing on the news that Kokona had killed her own sister.

She knows it him, the infamous Akademi killer and how he's forcing Horuda to be his 'henchwoman'.

He was there for her throughout all off their deaths and she made herself slip into those lies, mistaking it for comfort. When he'd pull her into hugs and telling her such heartfelt words, really he was just tightening the puppet strings attached to her. Maybe, he was too good to be true, too perfect and kind to be anything else but a killer, masking himself as some kind off angel.

But, no one is perfect.

She definitely isn't perfect, she's naïve, she resorts to violence easily and maybe she is incapable to be a detective like her own dad said. She can be easily convinced when someone is kind to her, she guesses it's because of her childhood, were she experienced rarely experienced kindness.

She must be so starved off someone actually caring about her that it made it so much easier for her to sink deeper into whatever lies Ayato told her. She always had that voice in the back of her mind warning her, Kokona warned her as well and she didn't take it as seriously as she should off.

The worst thing is, he's still got her by the leash dragging her like she's a dog when she knows, who he really is under that mask.

She bets that he must be having a great sleep, unlike Y/n, she woke up multiple times in the night and she found it incredibly difficult to fall back to sleep. Yua was napping on his stomach, sleeping just as peacefully as he was.

Y/n quietly swung her legs over the bed and carefully stepped over Ayato's sleeping frame, heading towards the door and it creaked ever so slightly. Ayato didn't wake up thankfully and she quietly descended the stairs, she's only in this house for Yua, otherwise she'd ignore him completely since she's positive he's the killer.

Though, at the same time, she's also sure that she can't get rid of him, since he pops up randomly out of nowhere and forces her to hangout. Sometimes, it's nice that she can talk to someone but she has to remember all the people who have died. Plus, Budo is simply better company.

She's going to have to wait until the trial to get rid of him, completely.

Maybe, she should tell Taeko that she thinks Ayato is a killer since she's going to be stuck with him today. Oh, sh-. Where is her phone? Did she leave it upstairs? Yua has now made her prescense know and Y/n looks down to see Yua going in-between her legs while meowing loudly up at her. When did Yua even get here? Ayato definitely wouldn't want to admit it but him and Yua were similar in some ways, the way they could both appear behind her without her hearing their footsteps.

She rushed into the kitchen, to find a bag of cat food and Yua's extremely ugly and cheap cat bowl Ayato unfortunately picked for her. She filled it with a decent amount of food and Yua chewed away at the food, Y/n reached his door and grabbed the door handle.

Finally, she's free.

She better get out of here before he appears behind h- "Morning, Y/n." Ayato had a hand on her shoulder and she felt all the blood drain from her face, this totally doesn't look suspicious at all, "Morning..." She replies, letting go off the handle.

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