You. [16]

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Y/n's feet felt heavy, like weights were attached to each of them, that she was forced to drag along while she walked with her sister to school. Musume's words of insults went right into her ears and out the other end. The feeling of bugs crawling along her skin causing a shiver to move up her spine as she is reminded of the tragic deaths of two students.

It was all over the media, on the news and posters no matter how hard she could run, she would always fall into a pit of staring eyes with her at the centre. Their deaths were shackles chained to her heart getting pulled each time it was mentioned, her movements were slow and she felt sick to her stomach.

Info-chan's words raced through her mind, every little detail she's ever required, people's absence, her sister, their involvement with Info chan, where they were seen and a motive. Musume left her side and joined her friends, leaving her alone. She noticed some people looking side to side as if someone was going to leap out and kill them, others laughed and joked most likely believing it was a freak accident.

But she knew the truth.

Her eyes looked through the crowds as she trudged behind her sister's friend group, etching closer to the school and she saw Ayato. Her eyes narrowed, their was something off about him not only could be be behind it all but he stood out from everyone.

He laughed and spoke to Taeko but his eyes were dull and he looked as if he wasn't really there, his heart wasn't in the conversation he was having with Taeko. His eyes met hers and she swore they lit up for a millisecond before he turned away.

The dots in her mind began to connect, and she could practically imagine a light bulb on top of her head lighting up with a ding.

Since she was at home for a long time, she's had plenty of time to start a fresh slate and look into the details she hasn't thought of before.

He wasn't even their when Kizano got crushed by the bell and all the batches of freshly baked food were perfect and safe for consumption before he waltzed in. He also spoke to the biggest gossip magnet, Musume and texted her about the video.

He was also the one person seen with Amao before he died, and after that happened when she went to his house it smelt rotten-

She was gonna be sick.

It couldn't be him, right?

Coincidences, that had to be the answer...

She felt vomit forcing it's way up her throat, till she did a massive gulp, pushing it back down. That was very disgusting but she was not vomiting in front of people.

She made her way to the lockers, swapped her shoes and made her way to Saki and Kokona ,who she hugged tightly, they hugged back and Y/n stepped back ready to hear the plan.

"We decided that Frueddo could help us y'know cover more ground..." Saki almost mumbled, she looked down to the floor not meeting Y/ n's eyes, she knows Y/n told her to make the photography club investigate and follow suspicious students on her list not join them.

Though, Saki looked as if she dug herself out of a grave, and Y/n was not doing great either whether she admitted it or not and she wasn't going to let her wither away.

"I agree with Saki, before you were doing this all by yourself and blaming yourself but now you have us... We can help you, you don't need to be the one to protect us all the time, it's time we looked after you." Kokona smiled, taking Y/n's hand onto her's and staring into her dull and tired eyes.

Y/n sighed, and when she opened her mouth to say no, she felt someone staring into her, the world fell silent and then she saw, them. Kizano and Amao, in the corner of her eye looking ghostly pale as usual, nodding at her before vanishing when she tried to look their way, again.

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