V. Prayer

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Christian immediately leaves the ball room. Not in the mood for some dancing. He informs Mason and Ngolo that he'll step out for a bit.

He reaches for his phone but both his pockets are empty. He checks the pocket in his jacket and they are also empty. He sighs remembering that he left his phone on his bag back on their table.

He goes to the main room stopping in his tracks when he sees a couple embracing beside their table.

"Wow..." He mutters surprised. Not wanting to ruin the moment he patiently waits, leaning on the wall in the dark part of the room.

After a couple of minutes the couple still embraces and Christian yawns bored. He get's surprised when he sees a woman enter the main room. Making her way towards the couple.

Christian watches her and sees the man freeze at the sight of the newcomer. Even his partner looks back getting shocked too.

"What's this?" Christian whispers sensing something bad about to happen as the woman finally approaches the couple.

He sees the man let go of his partner to fully face the woman confusing his partner.

"Oh boy......" Christian worriedly mutters.

*Time Skip*

"Fix yourself up before you enjoy your dance." Christian watches feeling shocked, speechless, and sympathetic at Y/N. He ended up hearing all their conversation because of their shouting.

Christian wants to feel bad for witnessing all that went down with them. But he also feels bad for Harley seeing how the man looks very hurt and guilty at his actions.

He watched Y/N go upstairs, he thinks whether to follow her or not. Unsure how he'll approach her. He's not also sure whether he should interfere with their business.

Christian sighs feeling really bad for Y/N. She looked very hurt at what had happened. Because honestly who wouldn't?

Yet she didn't react violently or brashly towards the both of them. Even if she did shout at Harley, she still managed to keep her cool. Not taking things physically and complicating things further.

"Darn it." He slowly reveals his self from the shadow surprising both Harley and his woman.

"C-Christian..?" Harley mutters but Christian ignores him unsure how he'll respond. He quickly goes up to where he saw Y/N go.

"Wait!" Harley calls behind him and he stops, sighing he looks back a little bit annoyed.


"Are you going to follow Y/N?"
Harley asks looking pitiful.

"Yes." Christian bluntly answers. Turning back he continues to go up the staircase even as Harley continues on calling out to him.

"Wait! Christian! Please hear me out!" Christian ignores him feeling a little bit mad at Harley.

He's in a terrible state right now and if he continues to talk with him then he might only end up berating Harley. Which he knows will only worsen the condition of the man.

"I don't need to hear anything man." Christian stops to answer.

"B-but.." Harley starts to stammer looking very pathetic he clasps his hand begging Christian.

"Please make sure she's okay." Christian raises his eyebrows surprised and even the woman pleadingly looks at him.

Christian sighs at the sight of them. Feeling sympathetic he nods at them.

"I will."

After a couple of minutes he successfully locates Y/N crying and vomiting outside one of the room's balcony. He slowly closes the door behind him not wanting to startle Y/N.

"Oh it truly hurts God." Y/N says weakly kneeling as she closes her teary eyes. Her face raised above the night sky she prays.

"I don't know what I'll do? I feel so angry and sad that it makes me want to get back at them?? But I know that ain't right... It wouldn't solve any of this Father." Y/N continues on sobbing.

"God all I can ask if for you to calm my heart." Christian watches Y/N enthralled at her faith.

Usually people would want to take the so called sweet revenge or probably cry their tears alone or with someone sharing sympathy with them.

But the notion of being alone praying to God and openly trusting him after what Y/N experienced, is somewhat unusual or not taken seriously in today's generation.

He absent-mindedly grabs his necklace reminding him of the times he also was downcast and depressed at the fans and media's scrutiny of him. He ended up going to the therapist because of that but in times where he wasn't sure of thing's and wouldn't want anyone see his despair. He cried plenty of times on his bed at the dark of night praying and praying eventually falling asleep and feeling well-rested the next day.

He knew the peace came from God. He knew it was him that calmed his heart at those moment. He gave him rest at the most troubled nights of his life. He knew God deserves the praise he gives him in his prayer time. God deserves it because even when he knew he didn't deseve God's love on him. God ended up staying by his side.

And now he sees Y/N going through the same thing he went through. He knew he had to comfort her but he didn't know how.

He sighs whispering;

"God Be With Me."

He cautiously approaches
Y/N. Her eyes open slowly looking sideways at the sound of footsteps beside her, getting shocked when she sees Christian approach him.

Her face reddens and she immediately wipes the tears on her face.

"W-what...? C-Christian....?"

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