IX. Past Rejection.

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It's friday morning Harley walks to school with his friend Max while stopping by the stores they pass through for some quick morning snacks.

They arrive at school early and they don't want to go to the classroom yet so they stay at one of the eateries outside their school to pass time.

"There seems to be an event again." Max says pointing out the cut out hearts and roses pinned on the school gate.

"It's the first time they celebrate valentines day and the girls are looking excited for it." Harley says while giggling girls holding chocolates pass them.

"And even the boys too." Max chuckles as they see their classmates hold roses and bouquets before they enter school.

"What about you Harley? Do you have any special girl in your mind?" Max asks cheekily making Harley blush as he thinks of that certain girl that has recently made him falling for her.

"Hey! Hey! I have some exciting news for you!" Their friend Ricky shouts running towards them.

"Do you have to be so loud in the morning?" Max asks annoyed but Ricky ignores him facing Harley instead.

"Hey- huff - did you know - huff - that..." Ricky says panting.

"What? Take a break will ya? We're not interested in the latest school gossip again so save it." Harley says but Ricky only laughs at him.

"But this is about you Harley my dear." Ricky jokes.

"Isn't it all about me this days?" Harley laughs thinking about all the things Ricky said to him about all the rumors that always appear about him. Especially since he started being a heart throb and girls become desperate for his attention.

"I've heard in our class that somebody has a crush on you." Harley groans and Max chuckles.

"Yeah. Yeah. And it's Ms. Pens again." Harley says indicating about their creepy middle-aged teacher who keep on advancing at him whenever they have their p.e.

"Ha! You wish! It's not her rather it's our cute Y/N!" Max and Harley freeze in shock.

"What did you just say?" Harley asks making sure not to have misheard Y/N's name.

"I said Y/N likes you! Like she has a massive crush on you!"

"Woah. I never thought Y/N would have a crush on you Harley. But are you sure this is true Ricky?" Max asks skeptically.

''Yeah it is! Delia wasn't exactly being quiet when they we're able to get Y/N to confess about her crush you know!"

"And when was this? You sure Y/N said this?" Harley asks just to make sure. His heart beating uncontrollably fast.

"Yeah! You can ask Jordan and the boys! Almost all of our classmates heard it! Even Ms. Pens and weirdly enough she started looking at Y/N's group angrily." Max and Ricky laugh but Harley nervously grips the edge of his chair.

"So what do you feel about her?" Max asks curiously making Harley blush again.

"You're blushing don't tell me-" Ricky says jokingly but Harley angrily cuts him off.

"Don't be ridiculous! Me and Y/N?! Ha! That's a joke mate!" He utters feeling a pang of guilt as his heart starts to feel pained. Ashamed not because of what he said but because being caught having a crush on Y/N would be embarrassing for someone popular like him. And he knows their other friends would laugh at him.

"You don't have to be angry like that I was just joking. Besides Y/N's not that bad. You guys are kind of close in the classroom anyways so i kind of expected you to speak more kindly of her." Ricky says offended. Harley realizing what he said started to get guilty too but he masks it by laughing.

"Sorry bro you just took me by surprise." Harley says putting his arms around Ricky.

"Look there's Y/N!" Max points out freezing Harley.

"Yo! Have any chocolates for me?" Ricky jokingly says but Delia only rolls her eyes.

"You wish! This is actually for Mr. Brandon not you." Delia says blushing. Indicating at their young and handsome math teacher.

"Ugh not him again!" Ricky says.

"Then are you going to give any flowers to someone?" Rosa asks Ricky and he shrughs.

"Probably. I'd give some to you guys if I'm holding any."

''Well that's sweet of you Ricky." Rosa answers. The three of them continue to talk about the Valentine's day event but Max notices Harley avoid Y/N.

Y/N looks at Harley hoping to catch his eye but Harley ignores her.

"Hey dork." Y/N jokes but Harley pretends not to hear.

Max notices Y/N and grabs her attention before things turn awkward for them.

"Hey how about you Y/N? Would you like some chocolate?" Max asks shocking Y/N.

"Me? You sure?"

"Yes why not? Come on, there's still 40 minutes before the bell rings let's grab some at the convenience store." Max offers smiling at Y/N.

"What's this Max's only treating Y/N? What about us eh?" Delia jokes and Max rolls his eyes at them good-natured ly.

"Ricky's got plenty of money."

"Hey! But I'm going to use this for the computer cafe!"

"Please? Just this once?" Delia pleads.

"You've already said that the 3rd time you made me pay for your ice cream." Delia pouts trying to look innocent.

"Yet I always help you in maths."

"Oh. Alright. It's not good being around you guys." Ricky sighs but they laugh at him appreciatively.

"Should we all go together then?" Max asks.

"What about you Harley are you going to come?" The group stays silent knowing that Y/N's asking her crush to come with them.

Harley distracted and looking awkward doesn't look at them but pretends to be busy reading something on his phone.

"Oh go ahead. I'm busy with something." Harley excuses.

"Busy with what? Chatting your girlfriend again?" Y/N jokingly says trying to start a banter with Harley to lighten up the mood.

"Yeah. Yeah. So dont disturb me." Harley answers harshly standing up and pretending to call someone to find a reason to leave the group.

"Hello? Yeah babe can we meet..." He says walking away from their group.

All of them stare dumbfounded at Harley and shocked at his sudden change of behavior towards Y/N. Ricky and Max feels bad towards Y/N. Rosa and Delia immediately grab Y/N's arm to comfort her but she pretends like nothing out of the ordinary happened.

"What're you doing? Let's go I guess Harley's busy with something." She says with normalcy and her classmates look at each other with concern but they remain silent and walk behind Y/N.

Harley feels extremely guilty about what he'd done. His hands tremble and he punches the nearest wall he can find. Thankfully nobody else sees him as he continues to punch and kick the hard wall to let out his frustrations.

"Why did I do that?!" He utters angrily continuing to kick at the wall.

Meanwhile Y/N act non-chalantly but deep inside her heart aches. She bites her lip to stop tears forming from her eyes. Frustrated and wondering why that ordeal is making her cry.

But she doesn't want to be known as the girl that cried because she was rejected by Harley because she knows that news travel fast and Harley probably already knew that she has a crush on him.

"I'll probably just give Max my homemade chocolate then." She thinks to herself. Remembering the grueling night she had and the big amount of money she spent just to make the perfect chocolate to hopefully share them with Harley.

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