XII. Forgiveness.

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"I thank all of you who came today! See you all at the wedding and God Bless You All!" Ren's mom says cheerily.

The guests scatter saying their goodbyes. Y/N says goodbye to her former classmates and the footballers patiently take pictures and give autographs with some of the guests. Rosa and Delia ushers the guests out and Y/N almost finishes saying farewell.

Harley takes this as a sign to approach Y/N. He breathes deeply walking towards her and she sees him making him get nervous but he gets surprised when she smiles at him.

"Hey. Are you okay now?" Y/N asks shocking Harley.

"You're not mad at me?" Harley asks in disbelief but
Y/N only chuckles.

"Earlier yeah. But now no. I don't think so." Y/N answers and Harley couldn't stop his self from tearing up again because of guilt.

"But I've hurt you so much. Why did you forgive me so quickly? I'd feel better if you hit me or shout at me. But why are you forgiving me?" Harley asks his voice cracking up and Y/N sees the guest start to take notice of Harley so she pulls him away from the crowd.

"You don't have to cry you know. What good will it do if i hold a grudge against you. I wanted to do that earlier but then I prayed and realized it's not important. I've done plenty of things that caused pain and hurt to someone. Probably worse than what you've done to me. And i want to be forgiven by those people. I work to try and apologize and do my best to gain their forgiveness. They give it but some don't and it's painful. And if Jesus gives me his grace and forgives me for my sin don't you think it's not right for me to hold grudges?"
Y/N says silencing Harley. He remembers the times people have caused him immense pain and trauma and how he also caused this to someone else as a form of retaliation.

"I've just been away from God for a long time. I've been doing bad things and I haven't been listening to him. I always say I'll get back to God once I fix myself but everyday just proves to be a struggle. This is the reason Riley broke up with me. Because I've been so selfish and I even cheated with her. It's just that everything is not going so smoothly in my life." Harley cries sobbing endlessly and Y/N empathetically reaches for Harley's shoulder and puts her hand on it.

"Who told you that you can fix this by yourself? You think God wants you to be perfect before you go to him? You're wrong. Go To Him And He'll Fix You. "

"But how can I do that? What do I need to do?"

"Surrender all of your struggles to him. Call for him with a sincere intention and he'll be near you."

Y/N wipes Harley's tears and she hugs her comfortingly and Harley gives in weakly hugging her back.

"Thank You. "

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