Imagine: Crush

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~H/N's POV~

I put my hood up as I began doodling because the teacher decided to lecture us for a whole hour. I mean, at least he did that instead of making us do a packet like usual.

I put my head down, no intention on sleeping though. I see from the corner of my eye, y/n. She's the only person in this school that I tolerate. Maybe a little more than tolerate.

I turn my head slightly to make eye contact with her. When I do so, she doesn't turn away, she just smiles a little grin that could make anyones heart splatter on the walls. Well it for sure almost made mine...

I dig my face into my hoodie to cover my flush. This girl is so everything. I can't even explain it. She just sits there with her perfect face, and perfect eyes, perfect hair and perfect smile. Little does she know how badly I want that smile on mine, literally.

I lift my head back up and halfly listen to the lecture, continuing my doodles. It's the last period, so as soon as the bell rings, I'm out of here.

I shift my eyes to y/n again, and I catch a glimpse of her side profile.

How is she so gorgeous?

The guy next to her taps her shoulder and she turns her head and they begin having a quiet conversation that I can't hear. I look forward clenching my jaw, continuing my drawings.

Finally, after forever, the bell rang. I pack up my stuff, about ready to sprint down the hallway because my locker is just right there, when I feel a light tap on my shoulder. I take a deep breath and slowly turn around, just about ready to shove away whoever is trying to talk to me while I'm trying to leave.

I visibly relax when I see it's just the girl I've been looking at all period. I sigh of relief that she isn't anyone else, I just about lost my temper until I saw her face.

I have to look down on her and she has to crane her neck to look in my eyes. I smile threatens to tug on my lips.


"C/n?" She asks more than says. I raise my brows and hum, letting her know I'm listening. "Are you shy or something?"

The question caught me off guard, for I don't know why she asked me the question, nor do I know the answer. "Uh-"

Before I can think of a response, she continues. "I see you looking at me every class period we have together. Everyday. You never talk to me though, and I actually sit there waiting for you to do so."

Well now I feel bad. I blush at the thought of her wanting to talk to me. And her noticing my staring. Am I that transparent?

"Um..." I avoid eye contact but then remember that this is y/n. She just approached me. She approached me. I should be at least the slightest bit more confident. I clear my throat.

"I may be a little shy," I say "But I also might just want you to make the first move." I casually shrug.

Well...I didn't lie. I do want her to make the first move. But now that I know she possibly feels the same way, I'm more comfortable doing so myself.

"Oh, so does this count as the first move?" She tilts her head to the side, her innocent eyes piercing through mine. "I don't know, does it?" I tease.

"Well, do you want to go out this Weekend?"


"Maybe I do." I cooly say.

"Well then yes, this is the first move." She kisses me, but not directly on the lips, but on the corner of them. My lips part.

"Saving it for a special moment." Is all she says before patting my chest and walking past me out the classroom. I turn to look at the teacher to see he saw that whole thing. He's smirking and a smile spreads on my face.

"Yes!" I cheer.

Well now I have a date this weekend with the girl of my dreams.

Part 2 will be in your pov on the date.

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