Imagine: Enemy

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I stood there staring at e/n causing a scene at the party. He's drunk. Of course.

He posted a black screen with the printed words: "someone come get me, I'm so drunk😭" on Snapchat. About 2 hours after, he followed the post with "Fuck all of you, I'll just sleep on the floor or something". So I'm taking him home.

I stood in the doorway, watching him slur incoherent words. His best friend was following him around the kitchen, trying to get the bottle out of his hands but recording in the process. I roll my eyes and walk towards the mess in caution. I stop in front of the counter on the other side of the kitchen. The moment e/n's eyes landed on me, my heart stopped.

Suddenly, I notice his demeanor change completely. He started walking towards me, very wobbly. Oh brother.

"Y/nn." He says. He stops in front of me, looks down at me for a moment then down at the bottle in his hand. He sits it down, finally giving it up. He then hugs me.

Like, really hugs me.

I keep my hands by my side, knowing that I'd give him an extreme obligation to hug me even tighter.

"E/n, what are you doing?" I press.

"Hugging you." He whispers. I pull back to look up at him but his arms are still around my neck. "No. I mean, why are you drinking? You don't drink."

"Well someone is observant." He smirks. Even under all this alcoholic influence, he's still charming enough to make me hate him even more.

"Let's go." I keep one of his arms around me and hold him up with all my strength while escorting him to the door. "I need your keys." I rasp out. He's heavy as fuck. Or I'm just weak as hell.

"My- Ohh my keys. Right, lemme get them." He rummaged his pockets until he sighed. "Uh-oh. I don't know where my keys are."

"You what-"

"Just kidding, here they are." He grins and pulls them out from his right pocket and I look at him unamused. If he wasn't already unbalanced and I wasn't the one who had to hold him up, I'd of kneed him right where it hurts. I snatched the keys and continue to walk to the car.

We stop in front his door as I open it and for the first time from what I've seen all night, he was standing up straight. He looked at me, as if I'd punched him in the gut.

"If you're gonna throw up on me, I swear-"

"You're driving?" He said softly.

"Well, you're drunk. I don't know what you expect."

"I wanted to be the one to drive you the first time you step foot in my car." He says sadly.

Oh so he's an emotional drunk. Bribery.

"Get in the car, e/n."

"Oh, so now you're manhandling me." He says while climbing into the passenger seat. "You of anyone should know how I feel about that."

I try not to laugh as I reach over and buckle his seatbelt for him. When I'm on my way to stand back up, his hand softly grabs my face. He pulls me in and rubs our noses together that sends butterflies to my stomach.

Oh no. No. No, no, no.

I grab his hand quickly but delicately and put it on his lap and hurry, closing the door.

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