Imagine: boyfriend(Halloween)

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It's my favorite holiday.

Not only is it an excuse to give and receive cavities, it's an excuse to dress in the most menaceful clothes a man's ever laid their eyes on. Though I don't leave the house wearing it.

This year, y/n and I decided to go as a couple classic: Batman and Catwoman.

At first, we were considering Batman and Robin, where she's Batman and I'm Robin but she didn't like the way it looked on her. However that's possible. She looks good in everything.

I packed a bag with all the necessities for the costume because I would rather not be caught in a Batman suit getting in a sports car. It'd feel a bit unordinary.

Once I got to y/n's house, I noticed her door was slightly ajar. It concerned me only a little because I can never be too sure what's going on within those 4 walls. I got out the car and shut the door loudly in case there was anyone in the house who wasn't supposed to be. Warn them.

I make my way up her porch steps and push her door open. I hate just walking in. It feels invasive.

I called out to her. It was hella quiet, especially for y/n's house. She's always either listening to music or watching TV. This is starting to freak me out.

I called out to her even louder and walked around checking every room in the house. She wasn't in any. Her car is outside though?

I walk upstairs, preparing to go into her room when I hear the downstairs toilet flush. Caught.

I run back downstairs and knock just in case it's actually my girlfriend in there and I'm being freaked for nothing. With silence, I slowly open the door and there I find someone standing in a ghost face mask. My heart dropped to my feet. Literally.

I audibly gasped and the ghost face screamed comically and jumped on me, wrapping their arms and legs around me. That touch is all too familiar...

I take off the mask, realizing who it is.

"Seriously?" I look down at her as she's still clinging to me. "You almost gave me a heart attack!"

"I know. That was the goal." Y/n hugs me and I hug her back with the mask still in hand. Of course she was just pranking me. I pull her face back from my shoulder. "Where'd you even get this?" I asked.

"Spirit Halloween is your best friend." She shrugs. I grin at her and kiss her forehead before putting the mask on myself. I chuckle and sit her on the counter before checking myself out in the mirror. She turns around and looks in the mirror as well. "You look so hot." She mumbled. I look at her and tilt my head.

"Yeah?" I adjust the mask a bit. "You look hot with it." I take it off and put it back on her. She really does look so fine with the mask.

"We should just go as ghost faces." She says as she wraps her arms around my neck. "Even though I spent good money on Catwoman-"

"We'll save ghostface for at home." I say, lifting up the mask to get a glimpse of her face. The look she's giving me is going to send me into a spiral.

"Don't look at me like that."

"Like what?" She mocks innocently. I just stare at her unamused. Clearly she knows what she's doing.

I pick her up, and her legs wrap around me once again. "Let's go get dressed."


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