Imagine: Crush

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It's prom night. You decide to go with your friend group, mostly because you're too big of a pussy to ask your crush.

Or he was too pussy to ask you.

You decide as a group that you'll make the night one to remember either way. Your best friend's mom rented a limo for the few of you and you go out to eat before. Your dresses are color coded with ROYGBIV, yours being your favorite color.

Once the limo stops in front of the school, everyone gets loud and excited. Only 2 of us have dates, that being your best friend and a/f. They see their boyfriends waiting at the front door. You all get out and walk up the steps, patting the 2 guys on the back. You look back at bsf/n, giving her a thumbs up to let her know you're going on without them.

As you enter the auditorium, you immediately recognize the DJ as c/n brother. So he must be here.

You and your friends walk to the dance floor. It's already crowded and you're pretty early. The music is 80's pop, easy for everyone to enjoy. You fail to notice the amount of people crowding into the center of the auditorium. You feel lack of space and look around to find your friends, however can only find one. You take her hand and you push through the crowd, to the outside of the bunch. "Haven't seen bsf/n yet." You yell over the music.

"Want to go look for her?" A/f asks. You shake your head and see the other 2 approaching you both. "Guys, there's a Photo Booth. I'll pay!" One of them offered. You practically race to the booth.

Squeezing in for the 4 of you was easy. There's 6 pictures on one strip. The first picture was a model pose.

The second was a silly face.

The third was a casual smile.

The last 3 were all a blur. You don't even know what you were doing, but you were having fun. As a/f gets out to pay, the other 2 follow behind her. You're not sure why all 3 of them are needed to pay for the strips but you don't question.

As you're about to leave, the curtain opens just for you to see c/n head peep in. He has the most adorable tiny smile you've ever seen and you already feel ready to melt even though no words have been exchanged. He fits his tall body into the booth next to you and you look at him with a smile, expecting him to explain what's happening, but it never came.

He sighs and finally speaks. "Hi." His eyes pierce you and you can't look away.

"Hi. What are you doing?" You scratch your head as the question leaves your mouth. He says nothing but turns to the screen to set up another photo shoot, this time only 4 pictures a strip. He looks at the camera then at you. Your eyes haven't even left him.


He turns to face you and puts his hand on your cheek. You feel flustered with his body so close to yours. You feel overwhelmed and can't look into his eyes any longer. He moves in, breaths hitched and connects your nose to his.


"I love you." He says. Your eyes widen, your heart stops and your stomach drops. You don't know what to say. You've waited for this for so long— TOO long— you don't even know how to react. What do you say? Do? You try to speak but words can't find you. His eyes fall to your lips, silently asking for permission. You can only nod and he finally connects your lips. There's an electro bolt that shoots through you. You feel a heavy weight lifted from your shoulders. You feel alive and free. Your hands go to his hair and the kiss moves slowly.


He pulls back to rest his forehead against yours. He takes a deep breath then looks back into your eyes. You look into his with shock and appreciation. He smiles broadly. "Finally." He chuckles. Your smile widens as you laugh along with him. Your eyes are closed and-


He looks back at the screen quickly, as if he forgot where you 2 were. "Those are gonna be so cute." He says. He looks at you and his eyes soften even more, if even possible. He wraps his arms around you, cradling your head to his chest with his giant hand.

"I'm sorry I was so scared to ask you to Prom. But I'm asking you now." You feel his chin rest on your head and his heart beat on your ear. "Y/n, will you go to prom with me?"

You're dreaming.

To lock in your answer, you pull back to look at his eyes once more. "Yes."
I ❤️ prom szn.

A/f is any friend. I think I've already used the abbreviation but just in case.

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