Imagine: Stalker

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H/n POV:

I look up at her house, noticing her window open. I've followed her everywhere for the past few weeks. I only live a few doors down, so it isn't difficult to track. But I've never once had the idea to actually full on stalk her.

As if I'm not already full on stalking her.

I take a deep breath and begin to climb up the tree. The tree has a branch that leads into her bedroom. Her light is bright so I know she's awake. What's she doing up at this hour? She's usually in bed by 10. Midnight at latest.

It's 3 am.

As I'm climbing, I notice how easy it is and how smoothly I make it up. As I reach the last branch, I look through her window to make sure she isn't there. I just wanna snoop a little.

Or a lot.

I push open the window, thankful of the quietness of it, and take a step into her home. Woah. I'm actually doing this.

Am I psycho? Am I mentally ill? Is this even a normal way to think? I just thought she was pretty. Pretty enough for me to follow her everywhere without her knowing. Pretty enough for me to know her daily routine, morning and night. Pretty enough to be standing in her bedroom without her knowing right now.

I'm so messed up.

As I make full entry and stand up straight, I intake the scenery. There's a lot of pictures of her, from being a baby to her fully grown self. I walk around slowly, observing everything, from her decorations and posters to her journals and nightstand objects. I'm tempted to tour her whole house. I notice a photo of her with an older man who looks exactly like her. Either her dad or her brother.

I pick up the frame and furrow my brows as I spectate her beauty in the photo. She really is so beautiful.

"Hello, stalker."

I recognize her teasing voice in a heartbeat. I smirk to myself but fold my lips under as I turn around to meet her eyes. She's leaning on the doorframe, arms crossed and holding a light smirk herself.

"You don't know my name?" I question.

"Do you even know mine?" She begins to walk over to me slowly.

I chuckle and sit on her bed. "You know I know your full name. First, middle, and last. Your birthday. I know everything about you, y/n."

Should I be admitting this? Especially when this is the first interaction she and I have ever had?

"So you do stalk me." She says, sitting by me. How can she feel comfortable enough with me to sit right next to me on HER bed after hearing me admit to stalking her?

I look down at my feet until I hear her speak again. "You really think I didn't notice you?" She asks. I look up to meet her eyes. "You know you could have just talked to me...right?"

I notice the shift in her tone to a softer, more delicate one and I feel my chest flutter. She's so. She's just so.

I sigh then a thought clicks in my head and I quickly turn my head to look at her. "Wait a minute, did you leave your window open on purpose?"

She just smirks at me and looks at the window. I feel baffled by her intelligence.

I need this woman.

"You're not going to kick me out? Scream? Try to fight me? Even judge me for being a creep?"

"Well," she scoots closer to me. "I know you mean well. I mean, I had seen you— before I've ever caught you stalking me— in your front yard. You were playing with these 2 kids?"

"My siblings." I specify.

"I can tell you're not a bad person based on the way you treat them." She scoots even closer to where our thighs touch and I feel completely flustered. "I'm not at all shocked or offended by any of this."

I just blink at her explanation. "I'm sorry." I look down again. She grabs my face with both hands. "It is a little fucked up. But only because you thought I was that stupid." She breaks into a tiny smile and I just want to hug her.

"Now. Don't you have something to ask me?" She drops her hands from me, for which I want to protest but don't. Instead, I grab her hand. "Y/n."

"Yes?" She replies.

"Would you want to go out sometime?"

Her smile widens. "I'd love to." She says and I feel excitement erupt within me. I bring her hand towards my lips and kiss her a few times on the knuckles. She hugs me, very tight, and I fall back onto the bed.

"What's this for?" I ask into her ear. Her arms tighten around me.

"Well we're dating so I can finally do this. Just shhh." She says. I laugh at her cuteness and just relish in the hug. The hug I've craved since I've laid eyes on this girl. I fight the urge to confess love, considering it's WAY too early. But I push the thought back for another time.

"I'm falling asleep." She whispers to me and I feel her fall limp on my shoulder. I smile and look down at her and kiss her forehead.

I finally got what I wanted. Her.

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