Meeting Milo and the Crew

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"How is it you always talk me into going with you?" Alexis asks as she is walking with Kida and some others in masks.

"Because you love me and I'm your sister." Kida says as the group stop seeing a unconscious boy near a rock.

"Hey isn't that one of the humans you saw?" Alexis asks as she goes over to the boy as he wakes up before she sees he is injured.

"What are you doing?" Kida asks as the boy backs up against the rock while Alexis removes her mask and looks at his injury before gently moving her crystal necklace near the injury and placing her hand on it to heal it. Alexis then smiles at the boy gently before putting her mask back on as they hear the rest of his group coming and quickly flee with the boy shouting for them to come back. as the group stops they see the boy and his crew stop near the edge of the cliff.

"It's beautiful. Milo I gotta hand it to you. You really came through. Uh I take that back. Holy cats! Who are these guys?" A dark skinned man asks as he screeches upon Alexis, Kida, and the others coming out of hiding and pointing weapons at them.

"They gotta be Atlanteans." The boy says happily.

"What? That's impossible!" A grey haired man in green says.

"I seen this back in the Dakota. They can smell fear just by looking at ya. So keep quiet." A elderly man says as Kida talks in Atlantean to the boy.

"I think it's talking to you." A girl says as she looks at the boy.

"Ita sum amice viator." The boy says as Alexis and Kida remove their masks and go up to the boy cautiously.

"Dices linguam Romae." Kida says.

"Parlez-vous francais?" The boy asks.

"Oui monsieur!" Kida says happily as a small male comes over to Alexis.

"They speak my language! Pardon, mademoiselle? Ah voulez-vous.." The man says as he whispers into Alexis's ear before she punches him.

"Ooh I like her." The dark skinned man says as he smiles and claps.

"Hmm! 'Bout time someone hit him. I'm just sorry it wasn't me." The girl says as Alexis, Kida, and the rest of their group talk among themselves before looking back at the boy.

"We are explorers from the surface world. We come in peace." The man in green says.

"Welcome to the city of Atlantis." Alexis says kindly.

"Come. You must speak with our father now." Kida says as she grabs the boy and begins pulling him along as the group begins leading the boy and his group to Atlantis.

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