Getting to Know Each Other

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As Alexis is leaving the throne room she soon stops upon catching Milo's scent and immediately goes over to him.

"I want to speak to you before you leave this city. I have questions and I want you to answer them." Alexis says as Milo looks at her.

"Yeah well l.. okay. How did you know I was there?" Milo asks.

"A question and answer for a later time. Now shh! Follow me." Alexis says as Milo hesitantly follows her.


"Oh there is so much to ask about your world. You are a scholar are you not? Judging from your appearance you appear one. What is your country of origin? When did the flood waters recede? How did you-" Alexis then gets cut off by Milo while walking with him in the forest.

"Wait a minute. I got a few questions for you too. So let's do this okay? You ask one then I'll ask one. Then you, then me, then.. Well you get it." Milo says.

"Okay then. What do you want to ask?" Alexis asks as she smiles kindly.

"Well okay. Uh how did you get here? Well I mean not you personally but your your culture. I mean how did all of this end up down here?" Milo asks curiously.

"It is said that the gods became jealous of Atlantis. They sent a great cataclysm and banished us here. All I can remember is the sky going dark. Then a bright light like a star floating above the city. Kida said it called to her mother and she never saw her again. This happened just a few days before I lost my own parents and ended up being adopted by Kida's father." Alexis says with slight sadness in her tone as Milo gives her a sympathetic look.

"I'm sorry. If it if it's any consolation I-I know how you feel because I lost my... Wait a minute. Wait a minute! Whoa back up! Wh.. what... what are you telling me? That you remember because you were there? No that... that's impossible... because I mean that would make you... you know... eighty eight.. eight five hundred years old." Milo says in disbelief as Alexis gives a nervous look.

"Try a little younger than that. I was only a couple months old when I saw this happen outside the city with my parents. I'm a little younger than my sister but like Kida I was still old enough to remember." Alexis says as Milo looks at her confused.

"Wait a couple months? But wouldn't that make you a baby when this all happened?" Milo asks curiously.

"If I were to show you something would you not tell your comrades? They will know I want them to but for now I want you to keep it between us. Can you do that?" Alexis asks nervously.

"You're trusting me with something like that?" Milo asks in surprise.

"Well it's more along I'm trusting you not to freak out as others would." Alexis says as Milo nods.

"I guess I can do that." Milo says as Alexis shifts to wolf form causing him to go wide eyed.

"Well?" Alexis asks as she pins her ears back nervously.

"Whoa. Can all Atlanteans do this?" Milo asks in amazement.

"Oh no. Just me and my parents. It took a while for the Atlanteans to get used to my other appearance but they pay no mind now." Alexis says as she shifts back to human form.

"That would explain how at such a young age you would remember such a thing." Milo says as Alexis nods.

"Yes. Is this a problem?" Alexis asks curiously.

"Problem? No.. no problem.. Pfft. You're looking pretty good to me for that age.. Just uh.. Ahem... You got another question for me?" Milo asks nervously as Alexis smiles gently.

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