Meeting the King

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After the boy and his group introduce themselves they are soon brought to meet the King.

"Greetings your highness. We have brought the visitors." Alexis says as she speaks in Atlantean while going up to her adoptive father with Kida.

"You both know the law. No outsiders may see the city and live." The King says in Atlantean.

"Father these people may be able to help us." Kida says in Atlantean.

"We do not need their help." The King says in Atlantean.

"But father.." Kida says disappointedly in Atlantean.

"That is enough. We will discuss this later." The King says sternly in Atlantean.

"Your Majesty? On behalf of my crew may I say it is an honor to be welcomed to your city." Rourke says as he steps forward a bit.

"You presume much to think you are welcome here." The King says.

"Oh sir we have come a long way looking for-" Rourke then gets cut off by the King.

"I know what you seek... and you will not find it here. Your journey has been in vain." The King says.

"But we are peaceful explorers men of science. Heh heh heh." Rourke says.

"And yet you bring weapons." The King says as he looks at the gun Rourke is carrying.

"Our weapons allow us to remove obstacles we may encounter." Rourke says.

"Some obstacles cannot be removed with a mere show of force. Return to your people. You must leave Atlantis at once." The King says as he stands up.

"Oh your Majesty be reasonable." Rourke says as Milo walks up to him.

"Sir.." Milo says.

"Not now son." Rourke says.

"Trust me on this. We better do as he says." Milo says as Rourke looks at him before back at the king.

"May I respectfully request that we stay one night sir? That would give us time to rest, resupply and be ready to travel by morning." Rourke says.

"Hmm. Very well. One night. That is all." The King says.

"Well thank you your Majesty." Rourke says as he, Milo, and Helga leave.

"Mmm. Your heart has softened Kida. A thousand years ago you would have slain them on sight. Alexis you may not be as old as Kida but you normally are just as defensive when it comes to outsiders." The King says as he sits down.

"A thousand years ago the streets were lit and our people did not have to scavenge for food at the edge of a crumbling city!" Kida says as she and Alexis go over to the king.

"The people are content." The King says as Alexis lights a lantern hanging nearby.

"They do not know any better! We were once a great people. Now we live in ruins. The kings of our past would weep if they could see how far we have fallen.. Alexis you remember how our home once was even if you have not lived here as long as I have. You must surely feel the same." Kida says as Alexis puts her hands up defensively.

"I do Kida but I'm not in this argument." Alexis says.

"Kida." The King says as Kida puts a wet wash cloth on his head.

"If these outsiders can unlock the secrets of our past perhaps we can save our future." Kida says persistently.

"What they have to teach us we have already learned." The King says.

"Our way of life is dying." Kida says sadly.

"I do have to agree with Kida on that. Things are not what they used to be and are not looking well." Alexis says.

"Our way of life is preserved. Mmm. Kida, Alexis when one of you take the throne you will understand." The King says.

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