Staying Behind for Love

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A/N: I won't be able to do the second movie like I planned. So this is the last chapter.

"Atlantis will honor your names forever." Kida says as she and Alexis are placing crystal's around Vinny and the other's necks.

"I only wish there was more we could do for you." Alexis says.

"Uh you know thanks anyway... but I think we're good." Vinny says as he looks back at the ship being loaded with gold.

"They'll take you as far as the surface." Milo says.

"We are really going to miss you Milo." Audrey says as Vinny goes up to Milo.

"You know I'm going to reopen the flower shop and I'm going to think of you guys every single day... Monday through Friday, Saturday until 2:00. Sunday... I'm going to take Sunday off probably and... Maybe I'll go in for a couple of hours you know... but August... I'm going to take August." Vinny says as Alexis smiles.

"I ain't so good at speechifyin... but I wanted you to have this. It's the bacon grease from the whole trip." Cookie says as he gives Milo a jar of grease.

"Cookie l..." Milo says as cookie walks away from him before Audrey comes over and kisses Milo on the cheek.

"Two for flinching. See you Milo." Audrey says as she playfully punches Milo on the arm twice.

"Hey Milo! Heh heh!" Mole says as he comes over with insets buzzing around him while holding his arms out for a hug.

"Mole. Mole. Wow. Hey well... good-bye Mole." Milo says as he pats Mole on the head.

"Now you sure you want to stay? There's a hero's welcome... waiting for the man who discovered Atlantis." Sweet says as Milo looks at him.

"Ah I don't think the world needs another hero. Besides I hear there's an opening down here... for an expert in gibberish." Milo says as Alexis holds his hand.

"Among other things." Alexis says as she smiles at Milo.

"You take good care of yourself Milo Thatch." Sweet says as he goes over to Milo.

"Yeah. You too Sweet." Milo says.

"Come here." Sweet says as he hugs Milo before hearing a cracking sound as sweet lets go.

"Sweet uh before you go could you..." Milo asks nervously.

"No problem." Sweet says as he cracks Milo's neck.

"Ah. Oh. Thanks. Ha ha ha!" Milo says in relief.

"Oh you're getting a bill." Sweet says as he smiles.

"Can we go home now?" Mrs. Packard asks.

"Come on y'all. Let's get one last shot in front of the fish." Sweet says as everyone gathers in front of the giant fish.

"Say Gochk." An Atlantean says as he stands behind the camera.

"Gochk." Everyone says in union as the photo is taken.

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