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"You know girls the most we ever hoped to find was some crumbling buildings. Maybe some broken pottery. Instead we find a living, thriving society. Heh heh. These guys are kinda cute when they're not you know formed into a fiery column of death." Milo says as he is with Alexis and Kida near a lake that has many glowing fireflies around it.

"We are not thriving." Alexis says as she looks at Milo while he puts a firefly into her lantern.

"True our people live but our culture is dying. We are like a stone the ocean beats against. With each passing year a little more of us is worn away." Kida says sadly.

"I wish there was something I could do." Milo says as he looks sympathetically at Alexis and Kida.

"That is why after Alexis told me what she has learned from you we have brought you to this place. To ask you for your help. There is a mural here... with writing all around the pictures." Kida says while Milo takes Alexis's lantern and begins looking at some columns.

"Yeah well you came to the right guy. Okay let me see. Let's start with this column right here. Uh well this... uh Kida? Uh heh what are you doing?" Milo asks as he notices Kida taking off her wrap while standing in the shallow water.

"You can swim can't you?" Alexis asks as she takes off her wrap and joins Kida in the water.

"Oh I swim pretty girl. Pr-pretty good! Pretty good. Sw... Good. Swim good. Pretty good. I swim pretty good." Milo says nervously as he takes off all his clothes except for his underwear.

"Good. It is a fair distance to where we are going." Kida says as Milo comes into the water beside her and Alexis.

"Hey you are talking to the belly flop champ... at Camp Runamuck. Come on we're... we're wasting time. Why don't you lead the way... because I have no idea where we're going." Milo says as he then follows Alexis and Kida under the water.

"How are you holding up Milo?" Alexis asks as she, Kida, and Milo come up for air after swimming for a bit.

"Well I didn't drown so..." Milo says.

"Good. Follow me." Kida says as the three dive back under the water to some writing on ruins before coming back up for air.

"This is amazing! A complete history of Atlantis! It's just like Plato described it. Well he was off on a few details but..." Milo says as Kida cuts him off.

"The light I saw. The star in the middle of the city. What does the writing say about that?" Kida asks impatiently.

"I don't know yet. But we're gonna find out. Come on. The heart of Atlantis!" Milo says as the group go back down to the writing before coming back up.

"What?" Alexis asks as she and Kida look at each other before at Milo.

" It's the heart of Atlantis! That's what the shepherd w-was talking about. It wasn't a star it was... it was some kind of crystal... uh like these! Don't you get it? The power source I've been looking for... the bright light you remember... They're the same thing!" Milo says as he gestures to the crystals around Alexis and Kida's necks.

"That cannot be." Kida says in disbelief.

"It's what's keeping all these things... you... all of Atlantis alive." Milo says excitedly.

"Then where is it now?" Alexis asks curiously.

"I don't know. I don't know. You'd think something this important... would have been in the journal but... Unless... The missing page. Follow me. I think I might have an idea of where to look." Milo says as the group dives back under the water.

Look Through My Eyes Atlantis The Lost Empire Milo X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now