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"Knock knock." Rourke says as the group blows a hole into the throne room.

"Room service." Cookie says as Atlanteans hold up their weapons.

"Tell them to drop their weapons... now!" Helga says as Alexis and Kida are held at gun point causing the King to tell the Atlanteans to drop their weapons.

"Spread out! Search everywhere!" Helga shouts as their crew begins searching the throne room.

"You're not applying yourself son. There's got to be something else." Rourke says as he shoves the book in Milo's face.

"Well there isn't. It just says... The heart of Atlantis lies in the eyes of her king." Milo says as he shoves the book back away from him before Rourke grabs him by his shirt.

"Well then maybe Old King Cole here... can help us fill in the blanks. How about it chief? Where's the crystal chamber?" Rourke asks as he goes over to the King.

"You will destroy yourselves." The King says.

"Maybe I'm not being clear." Rourke says as he then punches the King in his stomach making him fall to the ground.

"No! Leave him alone!" Alexis shouts as she nearly gets loose from the man holding her.

"Quiet!" Helga shouts as the man holding Alexis holds onto her tighter as Kida speaks angrily in Atlantean.

"Rourke this was not a part of the plan." Sweet says as he kneels down to beside the King before two people hold the King up as Rourke points a gun at him.

"Plan's changed doc. I'd suggest you put a bandage on that bleeding heart of yours. It doesn't suit a mercenary. Well as usual diplomacy has failed us. Now I'm going to count to 10... and you're going to tell me where the crystal is. The heart of Atlantis... lies in the eyes of her king. This is it. We're in." Rourke says as he figures out the last piece of the puzzle.

"Rourke for the last time... you've got to listen to me. You don't have the slightest idea what this power is capable of." Milo says as the group gather around the entrance.

"True but I can think of a few countries who'd pay anything to find out." Helga says.

Look Through My Eyes Atlantis The Lost Empire Milo X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now