Kida Is Kidnapped

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"Where are you taking her!?" Alexis asks worriedly as Kida is contained in a container before being loaded onto a cart while people are keeping her and Milo back.

"So... I guess this is how it ends huh? Fine. You win. You're wiping out an entire civilization... but hey... you'll be rich. Congratulations Audrey. Guess you and your dad will be able... to open up that second garage after all. And Vinny you can start a whole chain of flower shops. I'm sure your family's going to be very proud. But that's what it's all about right? Money." Milo says angrily.

"Get off your soapbox Thatch. You've read Darwin. It's called natural selection. We're just helping it along." Rourke says as he goes over to Milo.

"Commander we're ready." Helga shouts as she is on a vehicle.

"Yeah give me a minute. I know I'm forgetting something. I got the cargo, the crystal, the crew.. Oh yeah." Rourke says as he punches Milo.

"Milo!" Alexis shouts as she shifts to wolf form and jumps in front of Milo growling viciously while speaking angrily in Atlantean.

"Shouldn't we be grabbing her too? A girl like her would fetch a pretty price as well." Helga says as Alexis snaps angrily.

"Nah. Leave her. She is pennies compared to what we'll get for the crystal girl. Look at it this way son. You were the man who discovered Atlantis... and now you're part of the exhibit. Let's move people." Rourke says.

"That was an order not a suggestion. Let's go!" Helga shouts as Audrey gets out of the vehicle she is in and walks over to Milo causing Alexis to growl.

"Relax Wolfy. I'm not gonna hurt him." Audrey says as Alexis hesitantly stops growling as Audrey helps Milo to his feet before Vinny, Mole, Mrs. Packard, Sweet, and Cookie come over.

"We're all going to die." Mrs. Packard says as Rourke looks at her.

"Oh you can't be serious." Rourke says.

"Rourke! This is wrong, and you know it." Audrey says.

"We're this close to our biggest payday ever... and you pick now of all times to grow a conscience?" Rourke asks.

"We've done a lot of things we're not proud of... robbing graves, plundering tombs... double parking... but nobody got hurt. Well maybe somebody got hurt... but nobody we knew." Vinny says.

"Well if that's the way you want it fine. More for me." Rourke says as he gets in a vehicle and begins leaving with others.

"We can't let him do this!" Milo says as he tries to follow only for Vinny to stop him.

"Kida!" Alexis says as she takes of running.

"Hey wait!" Audrey shouts as Alexis ignores her and heads toward the bridge before yelping and quickly finding cover as the bridge gets blown up to prevent anyone from following.

"Milo you better get up here!" Sweet shouts as Milo goes into the throne room as Alexis goes over to Sweet.

"What's going on? Where is my father?" Alexis asks panicked.

"I'm sorry but he has internal bleeding. There's nothing more I can do." Sweet says apologetically as Alexis gives a sad look.

"No. No! Not again!" Alexis says angrily.

"What do you mean not again?" Audrey asks as Alexis looks at her.

"This will make the second time I've lost my family. I was a pup then and I wasn't able to protect them. I'm a fully trained fighter now and I still wasn't able to protect them." Alexis says sadly.

"Ah don't go beating yourself up. He's been after that crystal since Iceland. It's not your fault." Sweet says as Alexis pins her ears back angrily.

"All I can say he is better hope I don't find a way to follow." Alexis says angrily as she looks towards the destroyed bridge.

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