Bonus Chapter!

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Hey guys, this book has been done for a while, so long time no see! I was inspired to come back to it by it hitting a million reads (thank you!!) and this beautiful cover made by @EnchantedPapers

I'm not sure if anyone would still be interested in something like this, but figured it would be fun to post some more fluff from these two! I wrote this chapter as the very first of a sequel to this book. Please don't take this as a sequel announcement! I just figured there was no point in keeping the chapter hidden when you guys might like it :)

Cyrus' POV

Dating the antichrist came with a lot of perks and a lot of downsides.

Perks? Well, I had decent protection against all things supernatural and malevolent. I could actually meet Jesus – hadn't yet, but probably could in theory. And his general lack of knowledge about human beings made him really bad at normal tasks, so I often kicked his ass in Mario Kart.

Downsides? Living in a state of constant, deeply-disturbing terror.

Oh, and he eats cats.

Actually, that wasn't entirely fair. Ever since Theo met my cat, Mr. Whiskers, he'd been on a cat-free diet. So I couldn't exactly get after him for that anymore. 

"I'm just terrified," I told Blue over the phone. She was my friend and one of the five human beings who knew of Theo's status as the antichrist and son of Satan.


"I'm terrified. It's our anniversary, Blue. You know how Theo randomly gets it in his mind to do crazy things. What if he decides to take me on a stroll to Heaven? I can't handle that social pressure. Or what if he surprises me with a home cooked meal, but it's Mr. Whiskers? Or what if he gets me flowers except he picked them from my loved one's graves?"

"Shut up," was Blue's helpful reply. "You are an idiot. First, Theo can't get into Heaven... probably. Second, Theo is on a cat-free diet. Third, you don't have any dead loved ones."

"My grandparents! ALL of them, Blue."

"Cyrus, you're acting dumb. It's your two year anniversary, how bad could it be?"

"It could be as bad as our one year anniversary, when he surprised me by building a pyre and nearly sacrificing a lesser demon in my honor."

"You know that Theo is quirky."

I took in a deep breath that was meant to reduce my anxiety but just made me light-headed. Was there a good solution for this? Yoga? Meditation? Changing my name and fleeing the country?

It was ten minutes until one, which was when I was supposed to meet Theo. Or rather, he would probably pop into my room with his odd demon teleportation powers that I didn't question and also couldn't control for myself yet. I was just praying that my new roommate wouldn't walk through the–

The door swung open.

"Fuck," I said to Blue.

John walked in and paused. "You good, man?"

John was my roommate and a nice young man I'd known for about a week, which was exactly the amount of time that I'd been studying in my second year of college. He seemed average in just about anything in life, which I respected and admired.

I... I wasn't able to keep the same roommate from freshman year, because he was apparently deeply disturbed by the guy who 'appears in the middle of the night out of nowhere', 'says bizarre Satanic things', and 'draws on our walls with markers, dude, we could so get kicked out for that'.

Theo was an acquired taste and Patrick from freshman year clearly didn't have the same palate as me.

"Sorry, Blue, gotta go," I said and hung up on her before she could protest. "Hey John."

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