Chapter Eight

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Cyrus' POV

I opened the shower curtain with my eyes cast to the side, trying to pretend like I wasn't in front of a very naked and very sexy demon.

Theo growled in frustration. "I don't need you to oogle me like I am a lesser demon in a Babylonian demon bowl. Grandfather damn it."

"I hope you know that 90% of what you say in any given moment makes zero sense," I gritted out.

"Math does not exist in Hell. That is a dark art that only exists in the depths of Gehenna." Theo sighed and tugged at the bottom of my shirt. "Come here and help me, human guide."

Well, there was no way around it. And if I was being honest, this wasn't exactly a situation that I hated.

I stripped out of my clothes, hoping Theo was kind enough to not stare at my crotch, and stepped under the warm stream of water with him. Theo nodded in satisfaction. "Great. Now, please tell me what to do with this." He held up a can of shaving cream.

This was the weirdest thing that has ever happened to me.

I shakily grabbed it from his hands and put it down. "No, you don't need that one. You need this." I grabbed the shampoo and poured a little into my palm. "You're going to take this and—"

My voice cracked as he leaned in closer to me. I was going to black out.

Theo's nose wrinkled as he stared at my ass blatantly. "You were not lying about the rabbit tattoo."

"Oh God," I muttered. This was just too much. "Just...put that on your hand, then—"

Theo's head tilted and his inched closer.

Water ran down Theo's torso, trailing around his hard muscles. His blonde hair was sticking to his temples in wet curls, and his eyelashes were thick with water droplets. I swallowed hard as he trained those black irises on me—no, now that I was close enough, I could see that they were a dark gray. His pupils were dilated and trained on me.

"Yes, Cyrus?" Theo asked, apparently unaware of my throbbing crotch. He reached out and curled his strong hand around my bicep. "You were saying?"

I couldn't breathe.

"U-um," I croaked out, sneaking a glance down. My whole head went fuzzy; he was hard also. "Oh. Um."

My heart thudded against my chest and I took a stumbling step away from Theo, needing some space to clear my mind. Theo's dark eyes narrowed and he took a step towards me. "Cyrus." Fuck, the way his deep voice said my name was so sexy. "Please, what is the matter?"

A soft lift to the side of his mouth made me scowl. "You know what's wrong, you asshole," I snapped.

His wicked grin widened and amusement danced in his eyes. "Maybe." He stepped closer until my back was pressed against the shower wall. A hand lifted to delicately rest on the wall by my shoulder, so I was trapped. "Are you aroused, my human?"

I swallowed hard. "That is not your business."

"But I did it," he said, with the closest thing to delight that I'd ever heard in his tone before. "So it is." He cupped my cheek with the hand that wasn't braced against the wall. I gasped at his gentle touch.

"Um, m-maybe I should get out," I stuttered, biting on the inside of my cheek as I grew even more hard. I'd never been turned on more in my life. But there was something sinfully sexy about Theo, with his predatory gaze and his tattoos.

"You don't want to," Theo noted, letting his eyes drop pointedly downward. "Mm, Cyrus. I had no idea."

His hand trailed lower, his thumb tracing over my jugular and settling over the curve of my shoulder. My breath hitched and I made a pained noise, halfway between a moan and a cry of alarm.

Theo leaned forward and pressed a kiss to where his thumb had been, nipping at the skin of my neck. I gasped and moaned, leaning in to the contact. His hand slipped around my waist, cradling me against him. We rubbed together and I closed my eyes so hard I saw stars.

"You're so responsive," Theo groaned, voice low and husky. "Demon mating is rather boring; very much a necessary process to get from Step A to Step B. But you...I could savor you."

Okay, his mouth position and the word savor had my heart pounding. "Um, you're not trying to suck my innocent blood, right?"

Theo lifted his head and met my eyes with a lustful stare. "Innocence is the farthest thing from my mind."

I nodded really quickly and awkwardly, and then said, "But also we're not mating though!"

Theo leaned closer and my heart rate picked up. "We could. And afterwards, I can give you with the mark of Satan so that no demon would ever touch you again."

"...Is that like harmful touching or mating touching?" I asked weakly. " the mark of Satan a demon's way of flirting or something?"

Theo grinned and nodded. "So, what do you say?"

"No!" I yelped. "You're obviously extremely attractive, but I'm really not comfortable with that! I've never even kissed a boy before."

Something in Theo's hard gaze softened, and his hand traveled back to my jaw. He cocked his head and smiled, soft. "Would you like to?"

I took a deep breath and nodded. I wanted that more than anything.

Theo leaned in, pressing his hard torso against my own, and he held me against his body. I let my hands flutter to his chest and looked up at him, feeling out of my element. I was caught up in Theo's gaze, steady and certain.

Breath taken away, I gasped as Theo's lips met mine. I was expecting something demonic; hard, rough, demanding — but instead I was met with the gentle touch of his lips against mine, softly moving and pulling a groan from my throat. I leaned in and let him guide us, one hand on the back of my head and the other against my back.

I groaned and wrapped my arms around him, tugging him up against me. Theo moaned and gave the kiss all he had before gently pulling away. His pupils were dilated and his breath had increased. Alarmingly, I noted that the tips of his blonde hair were sparking a little.

"We need to stop, my Cyrus," Theo gasped, eyes widening. "I want you so badly. I need to cool off."

His declaration did not help me cool off. Theo hopped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist.

I was happy that he was finally getting a hang of the whole clothing thing.

"That was so hot," I said, in a daze. "You are so hot. Possess me whenever the fuck you want to, handsome antichrist. That was the best first kiss I've ever had."

Theo laughed a little, and I was shocked to hear the sound. He'd never laughed before. It was obvious he didn't do it often, because the sound was a little choked and surprised. "My human. That was amazing for me too, but you have to understand why I need a minute."

And then Theo scampered off to my bedroom, probably to jerk off or something. In a way, he was kind of...polite?

My heart thumped with the emotion of something a little lighter than lust. I bit my lip, instantly worried. I could not catch feels for the son of Satan.

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