Chapter Nineteen

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Cyrus' POV

I was freaking out. I was seriously freaking out.

Mom was taking us for post-church brunch and I was trying to pretend like I wasn't about to abandon her for a trip to Hell. What was wrong with me?

I knew how hard it was for my mom to raise me and Nina all by herself, so I always tried my best to do what was right and stay out of trouble. But this? This was seeing trouble and rocket launching myself into it.

But looking at Theo, blonde hair innocently tumbled onto his forehead and clearly trying to figure out how to use a fork, I just couldn't imagine leaving him to return to Hell to his pissed father. And Aamon specifically asked for me as well.

I had no clue why, but I was going to find out tonight.

Theo and I met in my bedroom to discuss the plan. "I'll create a celestial portal," Theo explained, "and then we figure out what he wants."

"That's it?! That's the plan?"

"...What else would you add?"

I guess I didn't know. For Theo, this was like stopping by the house of a particularly annoying neighbor. But for me...well, I was going to Hell.

My heart rate sped up at the thought and I got a little dizzy. I was scared. Even though Theo didn't seem like it was a big deal, I was going to Hell, where there were a shit ton of demons.

I tried to calm myself down. I'd met plenty of demons by now--or, well, I guess fallen angels, and they'd all seemed fine. Normal, even. Besides the nudity. And lack of common cultural knowledge. But they were nice enough.

"Are you alright?" Theo asked, gray eyes wide and concerned. "You're breathing quite quickly."

I nodded but couldn't really manage to choke out words. Demons. Hell. Satan. This was actually happening.

Theo's hand landed on my shoulder and his handsome fucking face filled my vision. That was the face I was going to Hell for. Holy shit.

"Should I get your mother? Or some medicine? I do not understand this particular physiological reaction of humans, Cyrus, you need to help me." Theo bit his lip and shook me a little. "Please be okay, Cyrus. Are you dying? Please don't die, I will miss you very much."

Well that was kind of sweet, coming from the antichrist. I took a deep breath and nodded. "Sorry. Just--freaking out."

The crease between Theo's brow cleared and he embraced me. I was so distracted that I almost forgot that Theo, like, never hugged. "There there, my sweet human. Please do not fear. Aamon is a gnat compared to me and the worst that will happen is my father realizes my location. I will bring you home if that happens."

Weirdly enough, it actually helped a little to know that Theo would ensure that I wouldn't have to meet Satan.

"I'm going to call Blue before I head out, I think," I mumbled. "And the guys. Just..." I didn't want to say to say goodbye. Theo was acting like this was a trip to the grocery store. The most on the line for him was a slap on the wrist from Daddy Satan. But me, a stupid human?

Theo handed me my phone and kissed my cheek. He even smiled at me. "All will be well, my human. You'll realize, Hell isn't as scary as you may think."

Theo left me alone to go to the bathroom, which apparently antichrists had to do. I FaceTimed Blue and sighed in relief when her face appeared on the screen. She had a face mask on and her sleek black hair was pulled into a messy bun. "What's good?"

"I'm going to Hell," I blurted out.

Blue's eyes widened. "Did you bone Satan boy? Because honestly, Cy, that's not an abomination. I think it might be closer to something heavenly, with his body."

Which was, obviously, when Theo had to walk in. Because my life was a shit-show carousel.

Theo poked his head next to mine so his face appeared on the screen. "No, we have not boned," he informed her. "Yet. When we do, I suspect Cyrus won't even be able to talk, never mind call you."


Blue cackled.

"Blue, no," I sighed. "I'm actually going to Hell with Theo. We're visiting some random demon asshole. Please pray for me."

Theo resisted his scoff, which was nice of him.

Blue's expression was shocked, initially, but then scared. "Cyrus...isn't this a little much? I'm sure Satan boy can handle himself. Why don't you just...not do this?"

But I had to. There was a reason Aamon wanted me there. Maybe it was as a bargaining chip, or a way to control Theo, I wasn't sure. But I needed to find out.

"I have to Blue. I just do."

We hung up with a sweet goodbye, and Blue obviously was trying not to cry. When I called Jax, he did cry. When I called Carlos, I had to hang up on him cussing Theo out for brainwashing me.

"We need to get going," I admitted. "They're probably going to pull in the driveway any minute now."

I considered saying goodbye to Mom and Nina, but wouldn't that mean I thought, deep down, that I wasn't making it back? But no. Theo seemed unfazed. If Theo was unfazed, it was going to be fine. I was going to be fine.

Theo drew some weird markings on a piece of paper, which I had given him as an alternative to my actual fucking wall, and grabbed my hand when he finished.

"You ready?" Theo asked, and it was the most normal world phrasing I had ever heard from him.

I looked at this hot as hell demon, his wavy blonde hair, the psychopathic sparkle to his gray eyes, the small smile on his lips that I wanted to kiss. I was going to Hell for this idiot.

I grabbed his hand and kissed him, feeling his own heart beat faster.

I pulled back and tried my best to smile. "I'm ready, baby demon."

I grabbed his hand and we disappeared.

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