Chapter Twenty

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Theo's POV

We appeared outside of Aamon's home, which was far enough from the palace for me to feel comfortable. Like promised, the energy of a ward crackled around us. Good enough to divert Father's attention, but if he got suspicious he would be able to break inside.

The thought didn't sit well with me.

Cyrus' breathing had slowed considerably and he looked around. "Its...normal?"

I suspected he was talking about the green grass, the humble bungalow in front of us, the mailbox by the sidewalk. Even the sky was blue, just like his realm.

"Yes, Hell is very similar to your realm, but with alternative technology. You have a lot that we don't, we have a lot that you don't. But besides that, well..." I shrugged.

I didn't really have the heart to tell Cyrus that the appearance of this realm changed to accommodate the needs of the inhabitants. When it was just Lucifer, the land was desolate and angry, as he was. Now...well, most of the inhabitants were humans.

"But, isn't it supposed to be a land of punishment?" Cyrus asked, looking around in awe.

"Well, no. It is a land of exile for angels, and an area of punishment. The fallen live mainly in Tartaro. Souls who are not good enough for Heaven, but not particularly heinous, live in Sheol. The punished souls reside in Gehenna," I explained, not bothering to explain the rest of the realm. Hell was vast and most of it was not controlled. There were endless tribes and mini-kingdoms that answered to my father.

"History lesson?" Aamon asked, calling from the doorway. He was nude, as was typical in Hell. I didn't bother asking Cyrus if I could take my clothes off. It was probably more for his own sake than appropriate culture.

"Why have you brought us here?" I snapped.

Aamon sighed and waved a hand at me. "So uptight. Come in, have some tea. I have a present for Cyrus."

With an exchanged expression of irritation, I headed inside with Cyrus. I grabbed his hand, because I could tell that he was still nervous, and he squeezed it gratefully.

Aamon put some water in a kettle and placed it on the stove. Cyrus gave the carcasses of dead hellbeasts that hung from his ceiling a disgusted look.

Aamon, with a flick of a finger, closed and locked the door behind us. I tried not to take it as a threat, but that was really difficult.

"Please explain to me why we're here," I asked. "I know you must want something from me. What is it? A favor from Father? Higher pay?"

Aamon chuckled and leaned against his counter, golden eyes glinting with malice. The smallest of smirks revealed his wolf's teeth. Here, in Hell, he allowed his serpents tails to fall free from the small of his back, where they hissed and snapped at each other.

"Oh, I don't want anything from you, antichrist," Aamon drawled. He looked at Cyrus, who was still staring at the hellbeasts. "I want something from him."

"Why are there dead cats hanging from your ceiling?" Cyrus asked, voice higher than usual. His eyes were wide and a little crazed. "That's disgusting. And can you please put on clothes? Your junk is hanging out."

Aamon rolled his eyes. "I wonder if I'll regret this. Listen, do you want to hear my deal?"

We both nodded.

"Okay, it's quite simple." Aamon smiled, a genuine smile, and looked at me. "I want you to leave. Teleport back to the mortal realm, or stay here, I don't care. But I want you to leave my house and never come back. Cyrus...I want you to stay here, forever. Or else I will tell Lucifer where your precious boyfriend is."

Cyrus looked at me, eyes full of panic. I laughed, though. "Your deal is for me to abandon my human here with you in exchange for privacy? Is that a joke?"

Aamon's smile widened. "So you'll do it?"

"Of course not!" I snapped. "I don't mind seeing Father again. In fact, I'm barely angry. And with Cyrus' protests against world domination...well, I wouldn't mind going home. We'll be leaving, then."

Aamon snickered a little. "Oh boy, I was worried about that. Well, I didn't want it to come to this. But anyway—Cyrus. I mentioned a present, yes?"

Cyrus shifted uncomfortably. "I guess so."

"Well." Aamon pulled out a piece of paper and began to trace his finger over the black lines. It was a binding spell, I could tell that much—but what would Aamon bind to? "I'll summon her, then."

Cyrus' eyes widened, apparently realizing what was going on before I did. "Hell no, leave my mom alone! Don't you dare!"

Cyrus went for the paper, but it was too late. Aamon stepped away and one of his serpents snapped at Cyrus, keeping him back. A red circle formed in the middle of the room and Cyrus' mom appeared in the center, blinking and confused.

"Mom!" Cyrus bolted to her and grabbed her in his arms.


I turned to Aamon, stepping protectively in front of my human and his mother. "What do you want with them? It doesn't make sense. You know summoning a human to Hell is a punishable offense, and you've done it twice. Why risk my father's wrath for random humans?"

Before I'd even finished my sentence, Cyrus' mom piped up from behind me. "Aamon...? What am I doing here? Is I in Hell?"

Cyrus turned on his mom in confusion. "Mom? You know about this? Wait, what the hell?"

Aamon lounged back and gestured at Cyrus' mom. "Oh, Sofia can explain. I'm sure."

Sofia looked around, and I could see the moment where she chose being brave over being terrified. She squared her shoulders and grabbed Cyrus' hand, brown eyes shining. "Cyrus, I swear I didn't know. But I saw Aamon at church and...Cyrus, honey, he told me everything. About Hell, about Theo...about you."

Cyrus glanced at Aamon, then at me, then back at his mom. "Please just rip off the bandaid. I'm freaking out."

Cyrus' mom blinked away tears and settled a glare at Aamon. "He's your father, Cyrus. I didn't know back then, but I do now... yes, that is your father. I hadn't seen him in over eighteen years before today."


Omg drama!

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