Chapter Nine

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Theo's POV

My breath came quickly and my cock throbbed, harder than it had ever been before. I collapsed onto Cyrus' bed after dressing quickly, willing my body to calm down.

I'd had relations before, with other demons. However, I'd known it to be a quick affair. Demons weren't necessarily passionate, so the point of the whole ordeal was mostly to orgasm quickly.

Or maybe I just hadn't been having the correct kind of sex. They were all with women, until that one advisor of my father. Lucifer had been very upset to learn I'd defiled one of his most trusted men.

Cyrus popped his head unto the room, face beat red. I bit my lip and tried to fight against my own arousal, but it was hard.

He looked so delicious, all red-faced and innocent. His brown eyes were trusting and his lips were so kissable. I wanted to kiss him everywhere. I wanted to kiss the delicate part of his throat right below his jawline, or right underneath his collarbone, or the place where his hand met his wrist.

"Oh good, you aren't jerking off," Cyrus, ever the type to say exactly what was on his mind, expressed. "Can I come in?"

I nodded, not trusting myself to speak or move. If I did, I would probably beg to bring him to bed. Or worse, I would just do it. I doubted Cyrus had the will to say no to me twice.

"So that was...intense," Cyrus said, as if it wasn't still very intense for me. "I really liked that. You don't have bad feelings about it, right? If you have feelings, I mean. Well you always seem a little annoyed, so I assume you have feelings. Is that an incorrect assumption?"

I barely comprehended half of what he said. "I think you're rambling," I noted, hearing the strain in my voice. "I have feelings, though. It was intense for me too."

Cyrus' shoulders relaxed and he sat on the bed with me. He was wearing a shirt that had a scoop neck, with one side falling off of his shoulder. I wanted to kiss him there, too. Actually, I wanted to rip the whole fucking thing off of him.

"Good!" he chirped. I snuck a glance and, from what I could see, he wasn't even hard anymore. Lucky asshole. "Because that was kind of special for me, with it being my first kiss and all. No pressure!"

My heart created the most bizarre feeling in my chest.

It felt light and fluttery, almost like I was nervous. I wanted to be close to him. I wanted to hug him.

I blinked. "Can I hug you?"

Cyrus looked a little dreamy-eyed for a moment before nodding and opening his arms. I scooted close and let my arms wrap around his thin waist. My head dropped to his shoulder and I took a deep, calming breath.

"This is nice," I admitted, feeling the tension leave my body. "I've never hugged before."

Cyrus made an aw noise and wrapped his arms tightly around me. "You can hug me whenever you want. Are you stressed about your dad?"

I wasn't. Father would find me eventually and get bothered, but he could never stay mad at me. "I'll be fine," I said. "I just wanted to be close to you."

Cyrus pulled back and looked at me through hooded eyes. "Just because I said no to sex doesn't mean we can't kiss."

Fuck, did I want to. But I knew myself.

"I shouldn't." I pulled away. "I want you too badly. It would be torture for me to kiss you like that again and then not be able to feel myself inside of you."

Cyrus' face went beet red and he sputtered. "I could be inside of you too, you know! Why am I the bottom?"

I hummed. "You pose a good question. Maybe, if the time comes, we can compete for our desired positions."

"What kind of competition?"

"Lighting yourself on fire competition," I said gravely. "Or killing Jesus fastest competition."

Cyrus rolled his eyes. "Or Mario Kart."

"Alright," I said. I was the antichrist. I could beat him at anything.

The delight in Cyrus's eyes made me slightly concerned. But honestly. Humans had no talents besides being inferior and apparently being sexy, so I had to win.

"So on a different topic, while we're here in my room together..." Cyrus wiggled his eyebrows. "Wanna paint my bedroom? To get rid of all of the Satanic marks you drew on my walls at four o'clock in the morning?"

I scoffed. "Why in my father's name would you get rid of them?"

"I wouldn't do anything in your father's name, dingus."

"You're getting off-topic, handsome human," I snapped, hoping to refocus.

Cyrus' eyes lit up. "You changed the condescending nickname to be complementary too!"

I was beginning to learn that Cyrus could never focus.

"My Cyrus," I growled, hoping a bit of affection made its way through the irritation. "Focus."

"Did you know that I have asthma?"

I facepalmed.

"I'm kidding! ...I mean I do have asthma, but I'm just messing around."

I got up and pointed at my spirals of magic. "These are spells. I've told you this. They are very similar to my tattoos. They keep you and your family safe from demons."

Cyrus looked at them judgmentally. "Let me ask you a few hypotheticals. If you had, say, done them with invisible ink, would they work? Or, say, we painted over the they lose their power?"

I grumbled a little, disappointed that my human did not like my gift to him. "I suppose we can paint over them. The magic will still hold."

So Cyrus and I spent the next hour dragging half-used paint cans from the basement to his bedroom and painting another layer of paint over his walls.

I was grouchy about it, but Cyrus kept coming up behind me as we painted and hugging me. He was awfully touchy-feely now that I'd kissed him. ...What a virgin.

I hid my smile as he dabbed a little bit of blue paint on my cheek and laughed maniacally. As much as I hated to admit it, I knew exactly what this new light feeling in my chest was.


Daww the demon has feelings! Is anyone else not getting notifications? Kinda weird I hope it's not just me.

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