Chapter Fourteen

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Cyrus' POV

In my dream, Dream Theo had his mouth around my cock. He was glaring up at me with dark eyes, and squeezed the inside of my thigh harshly. "You may not continue moving," he growled. He licked the tip of me and I thrashed a little.

Theo's eyes narrowed. "What did I just say to you, little human?"

And then I woke up.

"Fuck!" I whined. "It was getting so good."

With a quick scan of the bedroom, I noticed that Theo wasn't actually here. Which meant that I had some time to myself...

I shuffled around to find the tiny bottle of lotion I kept hidden by my bed and snatched up a sock from my drawer. I didn't have a lock on my door, so jerking off tended to be an extreme sport.

I leaned back and closed my eyes, imagining Theo again. If he were actually here, he'd probably wrinkle his nose and ask what the hell a sock was, but nope that's not sexy Cyrus don't imagine that—

Theo in the shower was the ticket. The water running down his body, the heated look in his eyes. The way he'd pressed me up against the wall and I could feel every inch of his body.

All I needed to imagine was the way he kissed me, long and loving, if Theo even was loving, to reach my peak.

I came down from my high, replaced by the gross and shameful tasks of wiping my dick clean and getting dressed.

It was too well-timed when Theo poked his head in, exactly as I was finished. I was on edge immediately.

"Sup, my demon dude!" I chuckled, almost going in to dap him up, because that was my idea of casual.

Theo smiled. "I could hear you and gave you your time. What thought officially pushed you over the edge?"


"Who, or what, were you thinking of as your orgasmed?"

I sputtered. "Jesus, Theo!"

Theo's nose wrinkled. "I suppose I understand, if you're into beards and sandals. But honestly, how disappointing."

I groaned. "Oh hell." Theo grinned, delighted I finally used an expression that he understood. "No, not actually Jesus. That was an expression. I am not describing my fantasies to you."

I could feel my cheeks burning. My hands bunched my blankets over my crotch. This was probably the worst day of my entire life.

Theo blinked, confused. "But we are paramours now, are we not? I should know what will please you."

Definitely the worst day of my entire life.

Theo came over and kissed me, "Never mind, I know you are an innocent virgin. I'll stop questioning you. So, you are taking me on a walk today, correct? Let's spend some time along together, Cyrus."

He was definitely enjoying this. I groaned and followed him out of my room. "When did you become such an asshole? You didn't even kiss me good morning."

Theo turned towards me, expression somewhere caught between surprise and affection. When I'd first met him, I never would've expected him to be able to look that way. "Good morning, Cyrus."

I closed my eyes and leaned in, winding my fingers through his blonde curls and tugging a little. I liked doing that, it was like a little reminder that this powerful, bat-shit insane, flammable man was mine.

We pulled away and I drank in the slight upturn to his mouth — a smile from the antichrist. "Good morning, son of Satan."

Nina passed us in the hallway and made a disgusted noise. "Such weirdos."

"Ignore her, son of Satan," I added.

Theo and I left to walk to Dunkin Donuts. It was a part of my slow process of educating Theo on the human world so he would stop desiring to smite us all.

Haha. Why did I like this kid again?

"It is hot out," Theo commented, tugging his shirt up and revealing his flawless abs and tanned skin.

Right. Duh.

"Oof," I groaned. "Look at your body. Dude, why do you wear a shirt ever?"

Theo made a noise of pure rage and indignity. "I do not WANT to wear clothes, idiot human! You are telling me that this whole time I could be shirtless? I would greatly appreciate that opportunity and gladly will— What is that creature?"

Before my brain could even register the situation, Theo ran across the street and narrowly avoided several cars to get to a dog.

Which, honestly, mood.

I crossed the crosswalk like a sane human and approached Theo and the dogwalker that he'd cornered. He was pointing at her german shepherd emphatically.

"What is that?" he exclaimed, looking at the dog with wide eyes. "I am fascinated."

The woman looked a little awkward. "It's a, um, german shepherd. Her name is Ruth. You can pet her if you want."

Theo reached out tentatively and poked Ruth's head with one finger. Ruth tried to lick his finger and he jolted away. "Wow. Much larger and less calculating than a hellbeast. This creature does not exist in Hell." Theo leaned in to sniff Ruth. "Wow. That is the most innocent blood I have ever smelt."

"Don't eat her!" I yelled, tugging Theo away from the lady and her pet.

The woman sputtered. "Hellbeast? Is that your dog's name?"

Theo scoffed and I tried to tug him away. "Of course not, that is a creature. I have a Hellhound named Abiah, although she looks nothing like your small animal here. I miss her very much."

I grabbed Theo's hand and stormed away, dragging him behind me. "Come on, idiot, you can't interact with people without warning me! I need to tell you what to say, remember? Geez!"

Theo sighed. "Once I have reaped this land of its resources and tilled it, planting seeds of Satanism in the minds of the humans who submit to my rule—"

"Okay, that doesn't even make any sense."

"—I will be able to speak freely with all people," Theo finished with dignity. "Without them looking at me as if I am Cain, immediately after he committed fratricide."

Okay. Maybe there were other qualities about Theo, besides his amazing abs, that drew me to him. His tenacious behavior, his unwavering loyalty, his relationship with his siblings. His brutal honestly, or his occasional lapses in cruelty, where he looked at me with softness in his eyes and a tiny smile.

But mostly he was a psychopath who wanted to ruin the world, which was not a turn on. But I was crazy about this guy, even though I shouldn't be.

I smiled and held his hand. "Yeah, you're right. Sorry people look at you weird, handsome."

Yeah, there it was. Theo gave me that soft, happy look that I loved. "Thank you, my human."

We kissed and I didn't care that the lady and Ruth were sprinting to get away from us.

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