Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Theo's POV

Cyrus sat uncomfortably on his bed, back straight and hands clasped together. He kept trying to start his sentence, and then couldn't finish it. "Um...this is hard."

I wanted to say so am I, but figured it wasn't the time or place. "Just try, I'm sure it will be great," I encouraged.

My human was obviously nervous, so I rested my hand on his arm and gave him a gentle squeeze. He leaned gratefully into my touch and nibbled on his lip. "Okay, I got this. So basically, here's my issue. You told Lucifer that you love me, but I'm not really sure if you meant it or if you just said that so that we could get out of trouble. And my issue is that I actually really do love you, and I want to be able to say that, but I also feel like I'll be made into a fool because then you'll be like no you dumb idiot human I have no emotion and really hate--"

"Please stop talking," I interrupted, feeling a little awkward about it. "Is there a polite way humans make each other stop talking? We have a hand sign for it in Hell, it's affectionate."

I made the hand sign.

Cyrus looked truly troubled.

"That's...yeah, that has a different meaning to humans," Cyrus muttered.

I realized I was a little off-topic, and I grabbed his hand to hold it. "Cyrus, I don't think I've ever felt love before." Cyrus deflated a little. "My father aways told me that demons will only ever have one true love. When I met you, I found that for myself."

Cyrus' eyes widened and his jaw dropped. "Do you mean that?"

His surprise had me smiling. "Of course I do, my human. It has not been a long time, but I am sure that our relationship will flourish into a steady and passionate nature."

Cyrus laughed, eyes crinkling at the corners. He kissed my cheek. "I don't know how to tell you this, Thee, but the things you say sometimes are so weird. But I love you too."

Cyrus leaned his head against my shoulder and I cuddled on him, kissing his cheek and wrapping my arm around him. "Is now the part where I give you roses and go ice skating? Empusa sent me a message saying that humans enjoy roses and ice skating when engaging in a romantic relationship."

Cyrus cackled. "Does Empusa watch a lot of movies?"

I grimaced. "She consumes an endless amount of human sources of entertainment. It is likely that she got the concept from television. roses? No ice skating? Tell me, what do humans do when they're in love?"

Cyrus grinned at me. "They go on dates."

"Dates? As in ice skating?"

"Okay, yeah! But it's summer," Cyrus said. Hell had a lake that remained frozen year-round, so I was confused about this line of argument. "Let's go on a date and have an awesome time, yeah?"

I tried to think of good places to take Cyrus, when the perfect place came to mind. "I know!" I exclaimed. "I think we should go to Disconsolate Bluff!"

Cyrus blinked. "I was going to ask if we could go to McDonald's and grab the ice cream off of the cone and drive away laughing. Theo, that place sounds horrible."

I grinned, already excited for our date. "This is a great idea. Now that I can't destroy this world and make it a mere replica of Hell, I should show you the true beauty of my home."

Cyrus grimaced. "This seems like a terrible plan, but fuck it."

I grabbed Cyrus and tugged him down the stairs, where I could hear Father's voice before I saw him.

"You keep your hellbeasts alive?" Father wondered, ogling at Mr. Whiskers. "How quaint."

Ms. West was hiding her smile behind her hand.

"Father!" I asked, causing him to jump and move away from Ms. West on the couch. "I need you to teleport me and Cyrus to Disconsolate Bluff."

Lucifer schooled his expression. "Disconsolate Bluff? What did your grandfather say to you again?"

I rolled my eyes. "Not to have frivolous sex."

"We're going there to have frivolous sex?!" Cyrus squeaked, leaping away from me. "Mom, I promise I didn't know. I don't want to have sex until after marriage."

"No!" I glared at my father. "That isn't why we're going. We're going because it's beautiful, and I want to show it to you."

"I'm waiting until marriage for sex," Cyrus said again, eyeballing me like he was ready for me to explode.

"That's fine," I agreed. "So can we go on our date?"

I would ask Father what marriage was later.

Shockingly, Father looked to Ms. West and waited for her nod before reaching his hand out. Was that, like, respect? From my father? I was actually amazed.

I took his hand and took Cyrus'. In milliseconds, we appeared on Disconsolate Bluff. Cyrus gasped at the view before him.

Disconsolate Bluff was different from a typical bluff, because the water below it was filled with the sky. Although the sun was setting over the water, darkness and images of stars and galaxies swirled beneath us.

"Oh my God," Cyrus whispered, because he had yet to realize that God had nothing to do with Hell. "It's beautiful. How is this possible, Theo?"

I shrugged. "Nobody's quite sure. It's not the only irregular landmark in Hell, but it's my favorite. You can't touch the sky below; the closer you get, the more it recedes. Anyone who tries to venture down never comes back."

Cyrus' eyes slid to the side, where a few random couples were scattered, making out.

I cleared my throat. "It also has a reputation to be for lovers. Um. That is not why I brought you. I wanted to see the look in your eyes as you saw the true beauty of Hell."

It was worth it. Cyrus' eyes were wide and awed, drinking in the view before him. His mouth was parted slightly in amazement. "I didn't realize this could even exist. This is what you see every day?"

I smiled and leaned down to meet Cyrus for a kiss. "This world has endless possibilities. I'd like to show you all of it, and in return you can show me everything in the human world. Does that sound good to you, my beautiful human?"

"It might take a long time to see both of our worlds," Cyrus said, smiling shyly. "Maybe even forever."

My heart filled with that fluttering feeling again, that I now knew to be love. I needed Cyrus forever. "That is my ideal. Or must I wait until marriage to have you forever?"

Cyrus laughed and kissed my cheek. "Marriage is forever. I'll tell you all about it sometime."

I held Cyrus in my arms, truly understanding my father's words from so long ago. I felt like my soul had found its other half. Now that I had him, I was going to keep him for as long as we had together.

"We're going to have to start making plans," I advised. "Two worlds in one lifetime is a lot to take on."

Cyrus nudged me and kissed my cheek, making my heart sing. "You're right. Alright, baby demon. Let's plan our future."


The end!

I'm sad this story is over! But it's the type of story that's only really just begun, so I could totally see myself coming back to it. I hope that you enjoyed it :)

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