chapter six

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CHAPTER SIX: empress

"Do you want a drink?" I asked, like the lady I am(not).

"No, please," said the girl.

She looked a little bit scared though, she had a determined look on her pretty face. 

Wrong answer. I went over to her slowly, like a lion stalking its prey. And I loved that scarred look she gave me even though she was trying to look brave.

I have no time to sympathies with the likes like her. I have seen a lot of her type. All they want is to have money using their beauty. And well, that's all I need in this industry anyway, beauties.

"Let's make this nice and easy okay, drink this cause, you will need all the energy you can get." I said trying to ease her a little.

She looked at me, before taking the drink and visible relaxing in her chair. She took a sip of the drink I have spiked. I don't take chances, some of them sometimes changes their minds after a while. But getting them in the mood always makes them a little more eager to do it.

"You said you wanted to be part of my slay queens, right? then are you ready to be used by men as many as possible?" I asked as if we were taking about the weather.

She hesitated before saying yes.

"Look here little girl, if you want to be part you would have to do some pretty nasty things for my customers. They may even ask you to sex their dogs or guards, are you really sure you want to be part? Though, the money that will come in will be more than you have ever imagined. Are you ready?"

By the mention of money, her yes was a little too loud for my ears. "I'm willing to do anything for the money, even if I have to sell my soul. My family is really struggling and I'm the eldest daughter…"

"Blah, blah, blah, too much information, I don't need that. If you are ready, let's get started then." I snapped. I honestly do not have the time to idle around all day. I got things to think about.

I snapped my fingers and three of my men came in. They already knew what they were supposed to do. So, without wasting much time, they went to her and started ripping her skimpy clothes off her.

She gave a little yelp when they touched her but soon settled down as the drug started taking effect on her.
I enjoyed the sight of the guys ravishing her, taking turns on her without giving her any time to rest. Well, it is not ever day they get to do this.

"Fill all her holes" I said. She has three holes I wanted to see them all filled at once. They didn't argue probably not patient enough to wait for their turn. The girl started to protest but her mouth was filled with something meaty, big and hard whiles her front and back were equally filled. She was struggling but money was never easy to come by.

The clients I work with are all messed up in the head and do the craziest things to a person just to feel personal, sexual satisfaction, so she was probably going to be doing worst foe them.

If only I had that girl that was dancing with Kwame Agyapong that night, I would be elastic.

Whoever knows Kwame Agyapong knows that he hates flirtatious girls that try to get close to him. It never ends well for them. But this girl was all over him and I applauded her in my head. A nice way to die I thought, but I was shocked when the whole Kwame Agyapong actually allowed her to do whatever she wanted and even went alone with it.

I am the one to be in the hands of Kwame Agyapong and not that whore. I have been searching for her but even though I have pretty good connections because of my clients, I haven't been able to find her. I console myself with the fact that she is probably dead somewhere.

I am Empress Claudia, the hottest lady in Ghana, with all the hot chicks in the country. I supply girls of all ages and types to the big men in the country. Getting a man like Kwame Agyapong won't be that hard. For him, I am willing to give up the position of the hottest chick, the lady every man dreams of having and, every woman wishes to be, to be his wife. And I have never failed to seduce a man in my life because of my line of work. But Kwame is making it hard.

I won't lie, I guess the reason why I'm fixated on him is that, he isn't making it easy. I love this challenge. I love challenges.

I watched as my guys fuck her like the world was ending. Having sex with a beauty like that for free is the sweetest.

When most of these girls become famous, they look at men without money like them, like the most useless beings on earth. Most of them try not to remember nights like these with nobodies.

So, whenever these men get a chance like these, they fucked like crazy. Exactly what they are doing now and I enjoy the scene, hoping it will help me get an idea of what to do with my Kwame Agyapong.

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