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CHAPTER SEVEN: Kwame Agyapong

I watch Christodia as she went about her duties. She is trying to behave like a good wife even though I can see that it is weighing her down. I mean, I understand the need for one to be free. Believe me I do. It is a basic human need but she of all people can't have that.

I wanted to chase her like every responsible gentleman out there, but once I had her that night, all the patience I had vanished. She is like the only water that can quench my thirst and I am always thirsty for her.

I don't know what made her come unto me like that that night but, I thank the heavens I was the one she chose to try whatever she had in mind. If it was another man that had had the unfortunate luck to take her, I would have committed another countless murder.

When my father handed over his life works to me, I wasn't happy. I have been able to establish businesses for myself and I didn't need his own burden. Nevertheless, that all changed when he showed me her file. I didn't understand why my father kept taps on her when it was her father that took the loan.

It seems my father wanted her to be my wife the moment he set his eyes on her. Something to do with she was beautiful inside out. The file he showed me was quiet convincing because it showed her being smart, on top of her class. Beauty with brains, a very bad combination. And on top of that, she was kind.

She took very little from her father, scratch that, she was content with whatever her father gave her and even helped her roommates in terms of money. She was a beautiful girl in the university and could have used her beauty to her advantage but she didn't and actually worked whiles in school which was quite rare.

Long story short, she had me wrapped around her finger, the moment I saw her photo because at the end of the day along with some persuasion, I agreed to take over my father's works.

I truly wanted to pursue her but, for her to be desperate enough to want any random man in a club didn't sit well with me. I had to make her mine immediately, which I have but I am not truly happy with how she has become so tamed. All the fire in her has disappeared the day she talked to her father.

She has been living with me for a month now and I still don't know how to win her heart. Maybe, I'm to be blamed for killing that man in front of her but what was I supposed to do. He was hurting her.

Anyway, I have to have her heart. Cause, that is what I want not her timidness.

I have already given her family a huge amount of money as her bride prize. All that's needed now is a wedding and this will be officially but before then I would like to win her heart. For her, I'm willing to go down on one knee.

I have bought her everything women need, be it the latest cloths, bags, shoes and accessories. Just like my good friend Godfread, told me to do. He is the only guy I consider a friend because he will tell you your faults right to your face and offer help to you whenever you need it. I have also bought her a car but I haven't given it to her yet. I don't want her running away in it.

"Why haven't you worn any of the dress I have bought for you" I sked her one night whiles I was sucking on her left tit whiles founding the other, did I say she had full breast that made men drool and women envious.

Her body itself was like it was well sculptured, like God really took time in molding her to perfection. From head to toes, she was curved in the right way. The true 'tapoli' shape. I can never get enough of her.

"They are nice clothes but they were made to be worn at specific functions. I can't wear those designer clothes and still sleep around all day. If you would let me go out, or better still let me, go back to work, I can wear the… ouch"

I bit on the nipple I was previously enjoying. "So that you run away from me? Never. You will never get away from me. You are mine. You hear, you are mine"

"I know I am yours but I had a life before all this and I want to go back to it."

"No, your life should revolve around me besides why would you want to go that job that requires you to do more but pays less. I can pay you five times your salary for ten years right now. So, you kiss that teacher job goodbye. Just stay here with me." I said.

"Okay" she said and then smiled. And that is what has been annoying me of late. She agrees and gives in without a fight. I have not killed anyone in front of her again. Even though I didn't want to apologizes for what I did, I have. I have actually stopped killing people now. I am trying to be a good guy for her even though it's hard. I am truly trying.

"I know we got off on the wrong start but, can we start afresh. I would never hurt you. I just don't want you to leave my side. I will give you whatever you want. I have had a lot of betrayals and I can't let you go. I also have a lot of enemies that may use you to get me that is why I want you by my side. You are the only sunshine in my dark world. Please give me a chance to love you okay."

"I will only give you a chance if you give me my freedom." She said determinedly.

"Never" I said.

"Then you have my answer."

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