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Seducing a man is not difficulty. With my body and seductiveness, there hasn't been a man that has ever refused me. But tonight, the one I have my eyes on is a woman.

A beautiful and influential woman who is also married. Her name is Vivian. I know I will succeed because the husband is a business man who doesn't have time for her. If a man approaches her, she will put her guard up but if a woman does, she might lower her guard and I needed it lowered.

I approached her when she was alone. She was on a balcony drinking wine. Even her back showed she was lonely. Those continuous sighs from her proved it.

When she saw me, she didn't move away so I managed to start a conversation with her. The topic of our conversation revolved around men and why they are so incompetent. She agreed with me and started talking about how her husband has been neglecting her. I guessed the alcohol was working. But I wanted her fully wasted.

I snatched two glasses of wine and skillfully slipped something 'little' in it. I gave it to her and when she started feeling hot, I offered to accompany her into one of the guestrooms for her to sleep the wine off and she agreed.

As soon as we entered the room, I started telling her about how beautiful she was. I told her I didn't understand how her husband can leave her all alone when I, a woman, am even turn on by the site of her. I kept complimenting her body, making her feel sexy and special. I asked her if I could touch her breasts which were cup size E.

"Oh, umm… I don't know if this is okay…" she replied nervously.

I knew she wasn't gay, and so this wasn't going to be easy. "I have always admired women with breasts bigger than mine because I am a B. I know God compensated me for that and give me a bid ass but sometimes I wish mine was bigger. Can I just touch it? You can touch mine in exchange." At this point, I could tell she was really horny and her resolve was quickly dissolving.

"Umm… okay, I guess it won't be that bad."
I didn't wait any longer and kissed her while grabbing her breasts. She yelped and I took the opportunity to slip my tongue inside and deepened the kiss. After she got over the shock, she grabbed my ass. I guess she threw her common sense away.

We did everything; kissing, licking, and fingering. I ate her out and then gave her a nice scissors style. I remember she nearly pulled my hair off when I was taking her to cloud nine with just my tongue. We both had a fantastic orgasm.

After the drug worn off, she became self-conscious and started telling me that she wasn't gay and didn't know what came over her just now. I assured her I wasn't gay too. In fact, I had a crush on her brother's best friend, Kwame Agyapong, and would really appreciate it if she would introduce me to him.

She agreed to set me up with him. I guess she was feeling guilty. But whatever, I had completed my mission and moreover, I really did enjoy her.

I gave her my contact and two weeks later, she called me and gave me an address. She had managed to convince her brother to convince him, Kwame Agyapong, to come to her brother's place. I was going to show up as her long lost but recently found best friend and she was going to introduce us.

Even though, I love big cucumbers pounding the hell out of me, I wouldn't say no if she asked me out again.

I went out to the address on the appointed day. I really did my best with my dressing. Normally, I dress sultry because of my line of work but today I took extra care not to appear sultry. I went in for a consecutive look. Not too modest and not too revealing, just right in between.

Even though I took special care of my appearance, this guy didn't even look at. I wonder what his type is since he hates it when women throw themselves at him which I didn't. I tried to at least get him to talk to me but he didn't even bother. And when I pushed him a little bit, he actually gave me a death stare. Like he was going to kill me if I didn't back off, and I knew he can and might do it so I backed off. He went on to even embarrass me.

I had no choice but to leave. Well, since this plan didn't work, I would have to think of another plan. I am not giving up easily. He now knows my face which is good for now. I just have to find a different way to approach. As the saying goes, there are many ways to kill a cat.

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