CHAPTER twenty two

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If someone had said that my wedding day was going to be like this,  I would have cursed the person with every evil curse on earth. Notwithstanding, it turned out to be so. It was the exact opposite of what every bride wants on her wedding day.

I wasn’t a happy bride on my wedding day. From the day I saw my dad on his sick bed, I have been crying constantly. I was sad every day. When Kwame Agyapong suggested we have the wedding sooner I didn’t object to it because it had been my dream to have my father walk me down the isle. I just thank God a wedding planner took care of everything because I was in no mood to plan a wedding. My own wedding, how ironic.

I am just glad my father and I were able to get over everything that had happened. We did some catching up even though I did all the talking while he just looked at me with a permanent smile on his face. I forgave him before he even apologized. Life is way too short to waste it on anger and other negative feelings. This I know.

I suspected I was pregnant I mean I knew it but I wanted to surprise Kwame Agyapong with the news. It was going to be his wedding present but, life happened. We don’t always get what we want in life.

Throughout the wedding I plastered a smile on my face even though I honestly can’t recall genuinely what went on during that time because the look on my dad’s face throughout the wedding process was breaking my heart.

I couldn’t cry. That would have ruined my make-up and I couldn’t bring myself to be happy too. I sat through the wedding feeling so overwhelmed with contradicting emotions that I seriously can’t remember anything that took place on my own wedding day.

After my dad left before the wedding party even started, I had to leave too. Kwame didn’t stop me. He had the organizer and MC Take care of the party while we followed my dad to the hospital. I held Bright to me to calm me down but I pushed him to his father when I saw my mom crying at the hospital entrance on our arrival. I didn’t need to be told what had happened. I sat on one of the benches and started crying. I just couldn’t understand why I couldn’t be happy for long. Because, just when I was feeling blessed and thankful this had to happened.

Bright sat beside me and started crying too. Kwame came for him and later I saw my boy leave with my in-laws. And that was when I finally gave in to the exhaustion that had been calling me. I collapsed right away.

When I woke up, the doctors had already informed my husband of my condition and were warning him to make sure I was emotional stabled if I wanted to keep my baby safe and sound. I wanted to keep my baby so I tried to get past the pain and live on taking one day at a time.

I couldn’t really blame God for taking him because my dad was truly suffering, and I couldn’t also thank God for taking him because, you know, He could have healed him. I decided to just focus on keeping my baby save. I was going to name him after my dad whether it turn out to be a boy or a girl. With that in mind I made sure to eat healthy and to rest well.

we couldn’t take wedding pictures even though the whole thing was filmed. So, we took some cute wedding pictures two months after my dad’s funeral. My tommy was still flat so it looked really good. I guess I’m abnormal because even with Bright my tommy looked like I was three months pregnant when I was nine. With this baby too, I was five months pregnant and there was nothing to show for it.

My baby came out and he was another beautiful baby boy who also looks exactly like his father. It wasn’t fair. I kind of became angry with Kwame Agyapong because of this though I never told him why I was angry with him.

Three years down the line we had another beautiful daughter who also took after her father. I was angry again but this time Kwame understood why I was mad at him and bought me a Mercedes Benz c- class to comfort me even though he couldn't stop bragging about how strong his genes for all his babies to take after.

Anyway, life has been good so far and I can’t complain. We have three beautiful kids we are trying so hard not to spoil but, we are failing miserably especially with my in-laws in the picture. They are helping spoil the kids too much. It is never easy with kids but we are trying.

I wonder if I will ever tell them when they come of age that I had a one-night stand with a totally stranger who later did everything possible to possess and make me his. Or will I tell them about how I was able to make my heartless lover turn from his ways and love me to the extent of being religion. I really don’t know but, I guess I will take a lot out of our story and give them the PG version when they ask. I don't want them following in our footsteps. In fact, I don't want my two boys behaving like their old dad, no. I want them to grow up to respect women and their wishes. For my girl, she is going to be a brave and fearless woman unlike the old me. And she is not going to go to clubs or doing anything I did.

I just hope they turn out to be what I have in mind for them. Going forward, when it comes to the story of how we met, I guess we will cross that bridge when the time comes.

For now, we are enjoying the love and peace God has us and we pray it stay like this for a very long time.


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