CHAPTER thirteen

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Chapter 13: found

Kwame Agyapong

I never knew my prayers have been answered and that the answer I was fervently praying for was right under my nose.

I smiled as I stared at the picture I was holding. It was a picture of my girl and our son. How I knew the boy was mine? Simple he was me. I mean looking at him was like looking at my childhood picture. The resembles was shocking. The only thing he took from his mother was his diastema. That was all he took from his mother. The boy was a younger version of me. My dad will be so happy. The three of us together will look like one of those Russian dolls. I smiled once again. I have found you Christodia.

It was one business client of mine, who called to ask about a certain boy in one of magazines. He wanted the boy to model for his children clothing’s and he wanted advice on how to market his brand and we ended up talking about the boy, which I didn't know was even mine.

I asked my secretary to bring me a copy of that particular school magazine and the picture I saw had my blood running cold. There in one of the pages was a young boy who looked just like me.

At first, I thought it was my father who had fathered a bastard out his marriage and I was ready to call him out for cheating on my mom.

I thought about it some more and concluded that my dad loved my mom too much to do such a thing so, I sent someone to investigate the matter and it turned out, he was mine. I was smiling again after three years, five months, six days and seven hours and thirty-two minutes since Christodia left. I was smiling from ear to ear.

Right now, my biggest problem is that I don’t know how to approach her and our son. I can’t go and kidnap them like I did to her some years ago. No, not if I want her to love me and stay with me. I can’t keep her against her will again. I want to do things right. I want her to love me enough to choose to stay with me. What do I do? This was above me and I needed to talk to someone about it.

However, I realized I had no real friend to talk to. The people I move with are all business clients who will only do something if they will get something in return. I guess I am on my own on this one.

From the file I received on her, I have her new number; I know her address. However, I can’t call her because I know that that will make her run when she discoversit is me calling her. The only option is to go to her, apologize and pray to God, she forgives me and accepts me.


I have been out on two dates with Jenefails. I got to know his name means Jesus never fails. I'm calling him Jene now. I guess both our parents were creative with our name as mine also means ‘christo dea’ which means 'it belongs to Christ.'

Anyway, he has proven to be the kind of guy I used to pray to God for. Someone who is not so rich but can take care of himself and me. Someone who is dedicated and truthful.

I was amazed at some of the things he told. Things if it had happened to me, I would have never told a soul. All in all, he is good and cute. A Christian also. Maybe if I move with him, I will be able to draw closer to God again because I have been a prodigal son long before I even went out that night to do the dangerous things that later put me through hell.

I still love Kwame Agyapong but I have come to the conclusion that that type of poisonous love is not my cup of tea. I was done with that love and I never want to go back to that. This is why I decided to go out with Jenefails the first time. He was someone who was completely different from Kwame Agyapong and I appreciated that. But after my second date with him, I realized I was making a big mistake.

There is one thing I have learnt about relationship through out the years and is that, before you entered a new relationship, you should be completely done with the old one or you will be transferring certain bad things in the old relationship unto the new one.

I was looking for Kwame Agyapong in Jenefails. I know I messed up. I shouldn’t be going out with someone new when the scars left by my old lover are not fully healed. Whiles on the date I was imagining if Kwame Agyapong was also going on dates. If he were or weren’t, what has he been doing? I even called Jene Kwame along the line when I started remembering the few times Kwame Agyapong took me out.

I messed this date up just like I did the first one and I apologized. I promised to take him out the next weekend to make up to him. And he being the cutest guy agreed.

I was going to get my acts together and do it right. Maybe even have sex with him after dinner. I know he is a Christian but I hope he is willing to fornicate with me because I so miss sex right now.

Deep down, I know he won’t make a move on me and might even turned me down if I bring it up. I swear that if I want someone different and also want to be closer to God, I should give up on those thoughts but heavens know it’s difficult for someone like me, who has had the misfortune of meeting Kwame Agyapong, to stay chaste. God, I need Christ!

Thank you for reading my story and please vote. Thank you all.   ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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