Chapter 2 - Hundreds of lawsuits

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(Greta played by America Ferrera)

Andrea POV

The hospital is surrounded by ambulances and paparazzi, red and blue are all I can see as I run out of the taxi.

I am greeted at the door by Greta, who hastily pulls me into the hospital before someone with a camera gets in, 4 members of security can only hold off for a small amount of time when there are hundreds of people pushing to get a glimpse of the famous heroes.

"What is going on?!" She shoves my doctors coat into my arms and ties my hair up as I get ready.

"Code Blue. Mass casualty, it's crazy in here." I follow her while she grabs the patients file, everyone is on edge right now, doctors and nurses are running around trying to get to their patients.

(I know nothing about this my information is solely based on tv shows and Google)

"38 year old male, multiple severed fingers, broken ribs, and internal bleeding, otherwise known as Tony Stark, he is is trauma 7. Advise them on what to do then move on, we can't lose an avenger on our hospitals grounds." I run to trauma 7 to see my colleagues scrambling to save him, they are under a lot of pressure to heal this man, no wonder they are stressed and acting like they forgot everything about the human body.

"Ok I need two nurses to get to work on reattaching those fingers, someone start a blood transfusion while Dr Bund, you need to make an incision along the rib cage then pinpoint and stop the bleeding to keep the vital organs safe, after he is stable get to work on the broken bones." I order and they instantly get to work while I run back to find Greta who is waiting for me with a new patient.

"27 year old male, 3 lacerations to the chest, shoulder dislocation, unresponsive, massive blood loss, and he is a super soldier so I don't know how that will play into his recovery. Trauma 12." So I get to save the American flag.

While running to my destination, I am held up when I see one of the people outside stab themself in the leg with a pencil, they really would do anything to see the Avengers.

"Gigi, a woman out there just stabbed herself, let her in but keep her far away from the Avengers and maybe bring Harry here for a psych eval." The nurse follows my directions and I remember what I was supposed to do and continue to find Mr Rogers.

"Dr Collins, thank god! We need help, he's bleeding too much, and the knife must have nicked the liver, we started a blood transfusion but the blood bank is low. We may need to move him to the OR."

"No it's too dangerous to move him and we don't have a lot of time. Place a drain to remove extra blood or fluids then sew up the tear, refill the IV to keep him hydrated and he should be fine, we don't know if his abilities will help him heal." After checking they reset his shoulder, I find Greta again, it's getting hard to keep pushing past people, there are many patients here with minor injuries that were most likely caught up in the fight.

"Andrea! Here!" I hear her calling for me so I follow the voice while avoiding a line of gurneys being pushed past me, I caught a glimpse of one of them, she was brunette and looked to be a teenager, with lots of scrapes and bruises but don't think it's anything major, pretty hard to tell since she's wearing red but seems to be fine, so she must be important if they're focusing on her when there are people much worse off than her.

"Who's next?"

"Spiderman, if we take off his mask we will have hundreds of lawsuits so hopefully he doesn't have a brain injury or a crushed skull cause we wouldn't know. Trauma 9, many broken bones, you just need to see if his life is at risk." I nod before asking her if there was an avenger of minor injuries and she tells me it was Wanda Maximoff, and that she is fine compared to her teammates.

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