Chapter 31 - Finally

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Andrea POV

It's happening. It's finally happening!

Today is the day I wake Stark from his forced coma and get to get my life back. I haven't been able to leave the asshole alone since his heart keeps stopping, which had caused me to develop a rather disgusting odour.

The Avengers sit with Stark whenever they come up to bring me food and a change of clothes, they are very worried about him and have started to ask other doctors why he is still not waking up so I need to bring him out of this coma before someone does a little too much digging and finds out this was a forced long sleep.

I have been a little paranoid that Romanoff will find out, she is a spy and if she does know then I can't imagine things would go well for me.

There has also been the Jarvis problem. He has been asking a lot of questions and doing a lot of scans on his boss, he knows something is wrong with this situation so I had to make him stop.

Last night I snuck down the tower to Stark's lab, which was very easy to break into, by the way, the password to the door was literally his name. For one of the most secure buildings in New York City, you'd think there'd be a less obvious password to where Stark keeps all his toys.

Anyway once I was in all I had to do was write a code that stopped Jarvis from being able to ask questions about me or what I'm doing, and if he does catch me doing anything he can't tell anyone. Basically, he is incapable of being suspicious of me.

I am quite good on a computer for someone my age.

I do feel bad about it, but it's not hurting him and I need to be able to do what needs to be done without being constantly watched.

Stark was injected with the medicine to wake him up an hour ago, once he is conscious he will be confused and probably scared and I need to play on that, if Stark doesn't remember anything then Loki will assume he was in agony these past few days due to Venom, so this will hopefully work out how it needs to or else everything I have been made to do will come back to bite me in the ass.

I still need to know why Loki wanted to poison Stark with Venom, what could he possibly gain out of this?

A loud groan draws my eyes away from my phone and to the now conscious man on the table, he looks pretty uncomfortable so I dim the lights that are probably causing him a headache.

"Welcome back." He turns his head to look at me and then stupidly tries to sit up which causes him to immediately fall flat on his back again.

"What the hell? Where am I?" His voice is hoarse and he sounds like he's in a daze.

"I'll let your teammates explain it to you, J can you tell them he's awake." I take a syringe and gently stab it into Stark's arm and draw blood to make sure his organs aren't too messed up from the last few days.

"Of course, they are on their way now." As I'm testing the blood, the lift dings and a stampede of Avengers run out towards Stark with Pepper in the lead to hug him.

I had no idea it was possible to run that fast in such high heels but she must be determined to either hug or slap her husband.

I'm hoping for the latter, it would just make me feel so much better.

"Are you alright? Are you in pain?" Pepper holds his face in her hands to look at his eyes, she was afraid she'd never see them again.

"I've got a killer headache but I'm fine." Pepper sadly hugs him, but after that, she lightly slaps his chest. That's the best I could hope for.

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