Chapter 5 - Tiny crush

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Peter POV

Andrea helps me stand, since my left leg is broken I still need a crutch to walk around.

I am so grateful to her, she helped me calm down when I was worried the others were seriously hurt, and the ones that were seriously hurt she saved.

"I forgot to ask, does your aunt know that I know your name and face?" She asks looking genuinely concerned.

"Yes, and I made sure she knows you won't tell anyone anything."

She helps me walk to Mr Rogers room, Mr Stark reserved this entire floor for Avengers and our doctors only, I feel bad since other patients had to be moved for us.

"Hey, Mr Rog-Steve." I always forget to call him his name, he thinks Mr Rogers makes him sound old.

He looked to be trying to figure out the tv when we walked in.

"Hey Pe-kid, how are you feeling?" He tried to recover from that slip up with a laugh.

"I'm fine and Dr Collins knows my name it's okay." She helps me sit on the chair I'm the corner of the room.

"You seem to be better, how are you feeling?" Andrea asks him.

"Sore but better with all the medicine."

"Can I check your bandages?" He nods and undoes the top of his hospital gown, she doesn't even glance at his abs, only the injured parts, she is so professional and smart.

I think I may have a tiny crush on her, I know she is 8 years older than me so it should go away soon, but she's just so thoughtful and beautiful, seriously her beauty took my breath away.

But she also makes my spider senses go crazy, I think it's just because of the crush I have on her, but I'll be careful.

Andrea POV

"Mr Rogers I would like to do an examination to see how you have been healing, it would be useful to know how the super soldier serum contributes to your health." I didn't really ask him if I could do it, it was more like I told him I was doing it.

But nonetheless, he agreed.

Since I saw how bad he was yesterday, it was easy to say he was doing better, but not as well as Peter is, also due to the fact Steve was much worse than Peter was it's not a fair comparison.

"Okay, your dislocated shoulder is fine, you will have to keep it slow due to the multiple stab wounds so no fighting and avoid alcohol for 6 weeks since one of those stab wounds cut your liver, but otherwise you are fine, I also advise you to stay here for the next few days just to keep an eye on you."

"Alright, thank you, Doctor Collins." He puts the hospital gown back on and returns to bed and trying to figure out the controller.

Oh that poor old man, he looks so confused, it's sad to watch. I take the controller and fix the tv that he somehow managed to put on Spanish.

I hand Peter his crutch and help him stand to take him back to his room, I don't want him to do too much, better for him to spend a few days of doing nothing for him to heal.

As we exit someone walks into us causing Peter to fall and for me and the stranger to instantly help him back to his feet.

"You okay kid?" I know that voice.

"Yes Mr Barnes, I'm fine." Shit, dammit James.

"You good Doctor?" He looks me over.

"Uh ye-yeah I'm fine, thanks." I practically drag Peter out the room to get away from him.

Though I'm confident Steve won't remember me, I never thought I would run into the man I used to love, kind of pissed he doesn't remember me, but to be fair it was years ago and I dressed in the style of the 40s, so different hair, different makeup, and different personality.

He was one of the few loves I have had in my unfortunately long life, I've had thousands of husbands and wives but only 5 people I've actually loved in a romantic way.

I may sound like a bitch for marrying people I don't love, but I get lonely and was open to love, plus it was thought to be wrong for a woman to be unwed back then, so in some cases I had no choice.

We enter Peters room, which was not empty like I assumed it would be.

Sitting in a chair in the corner is the woman I brought back to life.

"Hello Dr Collins, Peter."

"Miss Romanoff, shouldn't you be resting?" I'm calm on the outside but on the inside I am screaming every profanity that has ever existed, and I know every single one of them.

"Yes I should, but I feel absolutely fine, any reason as to why a day after flatlining I am able to do everything I could before the fight?" She stands from the chair and helps Peter to the bed without removing her eyes from me.

"Uh you're a resilient woman, excuse me." Was my way of getting me out of her presence immediately.

I walk out the room and feel her closely following me, if she's going to try murder me she will be in for one hell of a surprise.

"Hey!" I am turned around when she grabs my arm to face her.

"Do you need something, Miss Romanoff?" She moves closer, hand still wrapped around my arm and lips to my ear.

"I know you aren't who you say you are, and that you are lying about how I am suddenly up to full health but I promise you, I will find out what you are hiding." With that she walks off, leaving me scared that I may have destroyed this life because I saved an Avengers.

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