Chapter 6 - Paranoid

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Andrea POV

I begin to hyperventilate, afraid of what my actions have caused, Natasha Romanoff is a damn good spy, and if she wants to know something it is only a matter of time before she finds it out.

I have made a set of rules for myself that I must always abide by in my eternal life:

1 never have a baby.

2 fake your death and change your identity after 30 years.

And 3 never tell anyone what you are.

The last is the most important because if I break it I might spend the rest of my life being experimented on, I am literal proof that immortality is not only real but in humanities reach, there are other immortal beings but they're gods and aliens, I used to be a regular human but something must have happened to make me like this.

I may be selfish for denying the world a chance at eternal life, but I might be sparing them because this is a horrible life, and who knows my powers might not be able to be given to someone else so I would just spend decades being tortured. I know for a fact that if they find out about me they won't just let me go, they will keep me for anything, if they are bored they could torture me as a stress reliever.

So I am determined to stop Miss Romanoff from ever finding out about me, even if I have to kill her.

It will be a challenge but it doesn't matter how many bullets she puts in me, I can kill her, it will just hurt like a bitch.

I tell Greta I am leaving early and get into a taxi.

I have to be smart about this, I mean there is a reason I didn't let Miss Romanoff die in the first place, why would I screw up the world even more by killing one of the most looked up to Avengers.

I can just take that week off the director gave me, by the time I return the Avengers will be gone and I will be safe, even though I doubt she is one to drop something when she puts her mind to it.

She probably hasn't told anyone, and most likely will only bring it up when she has sufficient proof, though her fully healed skin is probably going to help her case.

I could bring up the fact a trauma has affected the brain, that she is delusional and suffering PTSD from being stabbed several times.

Damn, just realised I could have cut open her skin after I healed her and put her back on anaesthesia before she fully woke up.

That probably would've worked but I was tired after literally bringing her back from death.

"Thanks." Leave the taxi after paying and make my way up to the flat.

I could just run for a few decades till she dies from old age, but then I wouldn't get to see Maddy ever again if after years I return after magically disappearing and haven't aged a day.

I could take Maddy with me, she has no one to tell and I could be with her till she's old and on her deathbed.

But I don't want her to be constantly looking over her shoulder because of me.

I don't know what to do.

I decide to figure it out in a week, let future me work it out.

That is the best idea I have so I sit on the sofa and watch the Simpsons for about half an hour before Maddy returns, probably from the library, the book I gave her was small for her taste, apparently 600 pages is child's play, while whenever I read that much I have to take a nap in between.

I call Greta to tell her I'm starting that week off now and to check on Spiderman every day for me and updates about the Avengers and to call me in if they have any emergencies that may need a hand.

"Hey Andy, did you have a good day?" She asks and puts her bag down before sitting next to me to watch Bart show his ass to a bunch of people.

"Yeah, they threw me a little party, gave me a raise and some cake, and also a week off work, so I'm yours we can do whatever you want." The news makes her ecstatic, she complains about never spending much time with me anymore so this makes her happy.

"That's great! Wow, what should we do first? We could go shopping, or get ice cream, or the museum, or the park, or the arcade, or-"

"Slow yourself Mads, you're going to get a brain injury going that fast." She takes a moment to breathe before making a mental calendar for the next week, and I'm guessing non of the events will include relaxation or time doing nothing at all but tv, though she is right about us not seeing each other much so I'll let her do her thing.

"Okay I have it all worked out, but it will be a surprise so tell you in the morning." She tells me before turning her focus back to the tv while Hestia comes to sit on my lap while Apollo goes for Maddy.

Once we decide it's time for sleep, Maddy goes to my bed with Apollo and Hestia while I take the sofa, bed would be too crammed with the four of us.

I get very little sleep that night and an hour before I go to sleep I am woken by my little sister yelling in my face "Get up because I am very excited for today so get your ass up!"

Instead of responding, I push her face away from my ear, which she retaliates by repeatedly beating me with a pillow till I yield and get up to start a pillow fight to the death.

So that's how my morning goes.

Being beat by my sister with multiple pillows, and eventually got tackled but luckily landed on said pillows however Maddy landed on me and she ain't light.

She begins the day by taking us (including Apollo) to a cafe for breakfast, which was amazing since we never do that, I am always rushing to get to work and she doesn't like eating out alone.

She reveals that we are spending my first day of shopping, to celebrate my raise.

First, we go to a place that sells shoes where I got a great pair of army boots and pumps while Maddy got some wedges and flats.

While we're exiting the shoe shop I swear I am being paranoid because I thought I saw Natasha Romanoffs blood red hair, I'm definitely paranoid.

Next is shopping for clothes, we get a lot of stuff, both Maddy and I get a skirt, jeans, top, swimsuit, and jacket.

Obviously, it was a good amount of money for all that, but I feel like Maddy needs a reward for being so strong for these past few months, she was basically alone all day apart from the pets, with no human contact and she has to go home every few days or her parents will sell everything in her room, but they don't count as human contact because they don't interact with her at all.

We start our journey to Victoria's secret when I once again spot the hair, but this time I see her face.

I assure myself it's not her because if she were spying on me, I wouldn't have seen her.

So I continue walking and am most likely in denial about her not following me, but there isn't much I can do about it anyway so no point in freaking myself out.

"This place makes me severely uncomfortable." Maddy comments while we look at colourful bras.

"Don't worry Mads, we won't be here long I just want to pick out some new stuff, and sorry baby but you can't wear sports bras all the time." She looks ready to hit me with hundreds of facts on why I'm wrong so I cut her off before she even begins.

"Pick one then you can buy a doughnut from the shop across the street while I get what I need." She sticks her hand out and grabs one without even looking, which I bet she regrets when she sees what she accidentally grabbed.

It is a lacy, push up, neon pink, bra with silver studs on the straps. Her face grows pink and she tried to literally throw it to the other side of the store, but I grab it just in time and hold it high in the air out of her reach.

"Nuh uh, we had a deal, suck it up and get a doughnut." She knows she won't win so she starts sulking and walks away.

Once she leaves, I grab a regular bra for her because I know she will never wear the one she accidentally picked and she really does need one.

I grab some bras and pants before going to meet Maddy across the street. But when I exit the store, I see something horrifying.

Maddy is standing outside the doughnut shop talking to a certain stalker redhead.

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