Chapter 27 - Venom

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Andrea POV

My life sucks.

No other way to put it, it is hell.

Even when I'm happy with a family or job, I know I will eventually have to leave it.

For a time I had considered locking myself up underground or in the ocean, just let myself die over and over again, probably would've been less painful.

But I wanted to help the world.

Which was a very stupid idea.

I had hoped there was a reason I'm like this, maybe to help lives, or destroy the people who want to hurt others.

I just wanted a reason to why I have been given this curse, why I must go through this for eternity.

Being a doctor makes me happy, I get to save lives and help stupid people who get themselves injured.

I can help persuade addicts to fight for their lives and get better, humans lives are very short, might as well help them live while they can.

That has been my state of mind for a long time, I try to get jobs that help, I was a social worker for a while to help find out if a parent is fit to raise their child without any fear of abuse.

I had been a history teacher, teaching kids what really happened back then, and how to not make the same mistake's twice. I kind of scared them at that job, showing them pictures of mutilated innocents and enslaved people of colour.

That was a rough 400 years.

I was once a marine, but quickly found that I don't care which country is better or stronger so I try to stay clear of law enforcement jobs.

Anyway, the point is I care about innocent people that don't deserve what the world gives them.

Which is exactly why I have snuck into Dr Banner's lab and am running tests on the syringe filled with green liquid.

I don't know how Loki intends on hurting Stark or when it will happen, but I need to know what this is before putting it anywhere near Stark.

Currently, it is 3 in the morning, I stayed late at the hospital so that most of the Avengers should be asleep by the time I got back and came here to test this, having to wait all day to figure out what the liquid is was killing me.

I only poured a drop into the vile, not wanting Loki to suspect something was off or that I tampered with it.

It will take a while for the machines to find all the components in it, and if it's something from out of this world then I'm screwed.

I could always just stick it in my arm and see what happens, but I don't know the long-lasting effects, and if it causes agonising pain then Loki will definitely know I did something and I don't know what he'll do if I mess with the liquid.

"Dr Collins, may I ask what you are doing?" The familiar voice coming from the ceiling causes me to jump in fright.

"Jarvis hey, you scared me." My hand is over my racing heart.

"My apologies, Doctor." I had completely forgotten about Jarvis being able to see everything, so as subtly as possible, I slip the syringe into my pocket and I tell the AI I'm simply testing a new experiment from the hospital since the technology here is much better.

Good thing I made Stark not put Jarvis in my or Maddy's room, and I got him to change Jarvis for me and my sister so you can only talk to him if you flip a switch so he didn't hear or see anything that happened with Loki.

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