Chapter 28 - Flooded with hope

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Alison Young POV

This is such a bad idea.

I have been running from them so long, how am I so stupid as to just enter the building.

But then again, one could argue they're the stupid ones for letting me just waltz right in after them looking for me for so long.

My head is down, making it seem like I'm focused on the clipboard I stole, I can't risk anyone recognising me, I mean I know Hydra's soldiers aren't the smartest in the world, but a wig and glasses can only get you so far.

I have a friend who asked for a favour, and since I like her I accepted, plus I was a little drunk when we had that conversation so that might of contributed to my willingness.

About 10 minutes ago I had entered the Hydra base, blending in with all the busy working people, my first action was stealing a doctors coat hanging on the wall, then a clipboard that was just lying around.

My hair is blonde and my face is hidden by big round glasses, I am rather good at prosthetics so I put on a fake nose which is slightly bigger than my real one, I also added some freckles along with fake teeth that look like an overbite, plus my skin is caked by a layer of makeup making my natural skin colour seem much lighter.

It took so long to make me look unrecognisable, but better safe than sorry when you're walking around a Nazi terrorist organisation that wants to capture me and make me do their evil bidding because apparently, their soldiers are good enough to torture test subjects with powers but not good enough to assassinate regular human beings.

I'm just walking around the base, peeking into cells as I pass by, I was given a photo of the woman I need to help escape, apparently, she'll help me free the rest of the prisoners and burn this building to the ground, good thing too because I would very easily get caught by just letting the prisoners out of their cells.

I begin to scribble on the clipboard when a heavily armed man stares at me, looking me up and down, I don't know if he's checking me out or trying to recognise me but either way I don't like it.

I try to look as preoccupied as I can but still doesn't stop him from walking toward me, which causes a panic to set in me so I just walk away in a hurry, trying to look like I have a purpose for speed walking around the halls.

He doesn't follow after me so I'm going to say he was just checking me out, and who would blame him, this doctors coat makes me look amazing even I would stop and stare.

Continuing my mission, I keep glancing through the bars, and I am officially disgusted when I see a child who looks to be about 8 years old, with blood and bruises covering her malnourished body.

I have to push past my feelings and continue walking, this woman better be as powerful as I was told she was because I am not leaving anyone behind and I can't do it on my own.

My head is down, trying to avoid anyone staring at the person they've never seen before or getting suspicious or looking at me in general.

After a couple more cells I finally reach hers, though she looks to be in rough shape, I'm guessing she isn't exactly compliant.

Unlike the other cells, a guard is standing in front of her door, that's a good sign that I wasn't given false hope about her powers.

I clear my throat, grabbing the guard's attention then signal with my head for him to move, praying that would get him to move no questions asked.

Sadly he didn't move an inch.

"I need to check on her unless you want to explain why she has died from a punctured lung." Thank you Grey's Anatomy.

He thinks it over for a moment before letting me through and closing the door behind me.

Damn, I was convincing, maybe I should be a doctor one life.

The woman doesn't move at my entering, only continues to stare at the ground, there is a gauntlet shackled to the floor that covers both her hands, most likely there to prevent her from using her powers.

"Hello, I am here to give you a check-up." I announce rather loudly, knowing the guard is probably listening.

She doesn't respond, it's sad, this woman was described to me as confident, witty, and fearless, Hydra has done something to her that broke her spirit.

I check the guard isn't looking before I lower myself down to my knees, trying to get her to face me, but still, her head hangs low.

"My name is Alison, I'm a friend of Maria Rambeau. She sent me here to free you, you are Carol right?" I barely speak above a whisper in fear someone else will hear me, and as the words leave my lips, she finally raises her head and her eyes get flooded with hope.

A smirk begins to form and her face gets filled with mischief.

"Yes, mind getting these chains off?"

Andrea POV

"Andrea! We need help!" I'm woken from my light slumber to Steve shouting for me, in his arms is an unconscious Stark.

I don't know how Loki did it, but he was clearly harbouring some rage towards the Ironman because Stark looks horrible and bloody.

I jump into action and started working on Stark, or I was before Thor came in supporting Bucky, who is hopping beside him.

I didn't even think about it before rushing to my old husband pushing him onto a table and elevating his bloody leg.

Orders come flying out of my mouth to Thor to keep pressure on the wound and I run back over to Stark, his injuries are clearly the most severe, his suit is practically falling apart, I don't even know if the red coating it is paint or blood.

While I'm peeling off his broken suit, Romanoff comes in with Sam, who looks to of taken quite the beating, his arm is wrapped tightly around his stomach, my guess is broken ribs.

And just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, next comes Loki with Peter and Wanda thrown over his shoulders.

How were they even still alive before they met me?

I take a moment to asses everyone's injuries and start bossing people around since there is only one of me.

I tell the people who aren't injured to take off the people who are's suits so I can evaluate who's most in need of my attention.

Bucky's ankle is broken, Sam's ribs are definitely cracked, Stark is just a complete mess, Peter may have internal bleeding, and Wanda seems to of gotten caught in an explosion.

I probably should've been more prepared for more than one or two people getting injured.

At least now I get to try out my new toys.

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