Chapter 13 - Stressed

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Madison POV

I just got home from going to my parents to make sure they don't sell everything in my room, while also taking Apollo to the park for some play.

It's nice talking to Jarvis while I'm with Apollo, sure the dog is great company, but I like a companion who can talk.

He also tells me how Andy is doing during the day, her job is really stressful and she doesn't always tell me how it goes so I don't worry about her, but she doesn't know that her not telling me worries me more.

I can't believe she saved another Avenger, and she is definitely going to retaliate against Tony for buying the hospital.

This is a very messy day.

On the plus side, Jarvis is teaching me how to be a better cook, I am great at baking but cooking can land people in the bathroom for days.

He's already taught me the mistakes I've made in the past involving food and burning.

"Am I doing this right?" I ask the laptop.

"Yes, just stir for a few more minutes and then let it sit." I follow his instructions and once it's time to let it sit, I call Andrea to see how she is doing and she tells me she's on her way home and that it may take a while since she's walking to avoid being ambushed again.

I grab one of my books about anatomy and go to Andy's room to read since her bed is just so comfy and my body is too sore to stand for too long.

I'm always sore after seeing my parents, Andrea doesn't know but they hate me and hurt me.

It's never gotten too bad, just a few slaps or kicks, it never made any real damage.

But still causes a few bruises.

They never hit my face just my stomach or legs, and I can't defend myself because I'm too weak to fight the people that brought me into the world and I feel like I owe them because of it, Andy thinks I'm strong to of survived all the neglect, but I had my aunt with me for the first 11 years then met Andy a few months later, I was only alone for 4 months.

She knows this and still thinks I'm strong but I'm not, I'm not like her.

If she knew that my parents were hurting me, she would probably land them in the hospital, she did it to a random boy who tried to touch me, she broke his arm and southern area.

The good thing about her knowing how to fix a body is that she knows how to break one too.

"Jarvis, why can't Mr Stark leave Andrea alone? She doesn't want the job, can't he get that?" I'm just trying to understand why he won't stop bugging her.

"Mr Stark is a very stubborn man, and when he sets his sights on something he can become rather childish. I apologise for all the inconveniences he has caused the two of you."

"It's not just inconveniencing, he is stressing her out, she doesn't want to leave behind all her patients, some of whom she has known for years and she cares for them." I'm just hoping that he can convince Mr Stark that he can't always get what he wants.

He doesn't respond so I return to reading about the human body and forget about the problems my big sister is going through.

"Maddy, I'm home!" So much for that plan.

"In here." I shout and she comes through holding Hestia in her arms.

"Hey, how was your day? The food in the kitchen looks great, Jarvis help with that?" She sits next to me and stretches her arm out so I can lean against her.

"Yep, and no fire." We do a little high five before I start to read again and she answers the questions I have about people's insides.

And we forget about the problems we both have, that people won't leave her alone and that I have abusive parents.

Tony Stark POV

Why the hell is that Doctor so stubborn?! Seriously, she could put Steve to shame.

"Tony, maybe it's time to leave that poor girl alone, she wants to save hundreds of lives you have to understand that." Pepper is on the Doctors side, and I don't know how, but she turned Jarvis against me.

"Nope, I am too close, can you go find him for me."

The redheaded ninja, Legolas, Capsicle, and the kid are all for her, while the rest have no opinion.

I want her to be here after we return from charging into battle, I will gladly get stabbed or set on fire if I know we have someone good to fix us.

And Natasha, Wanda, and Pepper have been complaining about only being the only women living here, I'm trying to fix that.

I'm hoping that once she bonds with the team she'll move in, and I can make her realise that her little sister can have a good and rich life.

She'll move in, even if I have to send in my secret weapon.

"Mr Stark, you wanted to see me?" And there he is.

"Hey kid, I need you to do a little job for me."

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