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"Hey Keigo, I've got something here for you!"

The bird boy walked happily up to you, expecting something small like a piece of candy. But instead, you pulled out a jacket.

"I noticed that you didn't really have clothes that seemed too warm, so I bought you this nice aviator jacket,"

Touya chimed in,
"I helped pick it out, and I put holes in the back so your wings can poke through!"

Keigo was unsure whether or not he was dreaming. Could people really be this kind? His very own cool jacket!

He put the jacket on, and it fit him perfectly, the holes for his wings being just big enough to let them through while not exposing too much of his back.

He spun around to give you and Touya a good look of his new jacket, both of you clapping with praise.

Keigo gave you a hug,
"Thank you!"

You hugged him back, being mindful of his wings,
"No problem bud,"

He then went on to thank Touya, and the two began to play with each other.

Kids at there age shouldn't be dealing with everything they're going through. They should just be kids, having fun, little to no worries. But that's not how the world worked. Not yet.

For a while now you saw Touya staring longingly at the other teens who'd ride on their skateboards, so after remembering that you had one collecting dust at your parents house, you decided to gift it to him.

Well, more like gift it to all the kids. Each one of them was eager to have a turn on the skateboard.

Of course Touya got to go first since he was the oldest, and surprisingly, he was pretty good at it. You figured that he'd probably watched tutorials online, seeing as your phone would have a multitude of skateboarding ads after you'd let him use it.

You watched him skate a decent bit away down the sidewalk before coming back.

"Dad, did you see that?!"

You patted his head,
"I did buddy! Nice job!"

He beamed at your praise, deciding it was time for someone else to use the board.

He decided to try and help his sister,
"Make sure to-"

She waved him off,
"I got this!"

And then she was gone. Zoomed away at the speed of light. In mere moments she circled around the block and was back, jumping off the skateboard and stomping on one of the ends to make it go up into her hands.

She smiled brightly at the surprised faces of you and her siblings, explaining,
"One of my friends is really into skateboarding,"

Well damn.

"I wanna turn! I wanna turn!"

Fuyumi handed the skateboard to Natsuo, he adamantly refused any and all help. He'd soon wish he did, as he immediately fell and scraped his knee.

Luckily you were prepared for this, pulling out Neosporin and bandages, quickly patching up the wound. You consoled the boy who was on the brink of tears, who was still recoiling from the pain on his knee.

Fuyumi brought a hand to his knee,
"Hold still for a second,"

A cool breeze emanated from her hand, little bits of snow occasionally sticking onto the bandage on Natsuo's knee.


You wondered why he didn't just do that for himself, but then again, he was in pain, so he probably couldn't focus on anything than that.

He soon calmed down, and now it was Shoto's turn. But seeing his older brother getting hurt frightened him, and he refused to stand on the skateboard with his two feet, instead opting to sit down on it.

You sighed as you knew what you were meant to do, and started to push the skateboard around, much to the glee of Shoto, who was giggling all the while.

Short happy chapter also sorry it's all in the middle I forgot to change it back to normal and I'm too lazy

The Best Nanny (Todoroki siblings + m!reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu