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Touya was an A+ student. He always did his homework (which is technically ALL of his work) as soon as you assigned it to him, and easily absorbed everything you taught him.

"Factor (x^2 -9x + 8),"

It only took him a moment to figure it out,
"It's (x-8) and (x-1)!"

"Nice job Touya!"

You held up a hand for him to high five, which he immediately did. He enjoyed your praise. In all honestly, 'enjoyed' was an understatement, and you could tell.

From what you gathered, any praise from his biological father was scarce, which was probably the cause for this.

Normally you'd just continue to praise him, but you began to get worried about the lengths he'd go to just to receive your praise. There were many nights where you'd catch him up way past his bedtime studying even when you hadn't instructed him to.

Whenever that would happen, you'd start to make your footsteps louder so he'd get the hint and at least get into bed, which usually worked.

But one night, that wasn't the case.

"Touya Todoroki, do you have any idea what time it is?!"

He jumped in his seat, startled by your scolding tone. He squinted at the digital clock, but he could barely make out what it said.

"It's... it's..."

"It's 11:17 pm!"

Had he really been studying for that long? It didn't really feel like too long to him, he just thought he'd get a bit of studying in before bed!

"I-I just wanted to study before my test tomorrow!"

You sighed, closing the textbook that was opened in front of him.

"You know I'd give you extra time if you said you weren't ready, right?"

He looked away guiltily,
"Yeah, I know... but just give me a little more time! I know I'll be ready for it! Please?!"

You knew you wouldn't hear the end of it unless you let him, so you did. But under one condition.

"Ten minutes. That's all I'm giving you, then it's off to bed with you mister,"

He was very grateful for the time you'd allotted him, but after only three minutes he was out cold. You quickly picked him up off his chair before he could drool on anything, and set him in bed.

"Phew! Thirteen year olds are not easy to carry!"

You tucked him in and gave him a kiss on the forehead,
"Goodnight, Touya. Sleep well, okay?"

A soft smile formed on his face as he began to snore, and you quietly left.

Of course the next day he aced his test, and of course you praised him. You knew you were kind of just fueling the flames, but what else were you gonna do?! Not praise him?! He'd probably have a mental breakdown!

You hated seeing him like this. Bloodshot eyes, dark eye bags, a loss of overall energy. He was your son, and seeing him hurt made you feel hurt. Like you had failed him.

So when you caught him studying late in the night you put your foot down.

"Bed. Now,"

"But I-"

"No excuses Touya. I know you've been staying up late for a while now,"

Your tone wasn't filled with it's usual warmth, yet it wasn't cold either. You had to be strong for his sake. You couldn't back down like last time.

He picked up on your tonal shift, and honestly, he kind of wanted to cry.

Couldn't you see that he was doing this to make you proud? He didn't want to disappoint you!

His eyes shook as he got into his bed. Not a word was said as he pulled the blanket onto himself, his back facing you.

You couldn't just stand there and let the boy go to sleep with sadness. You slowly approached his bed, sitting down beside him.

"I know you're just trying to do what you think is best..."

He feigned sleep, which was pretty obvious considering he just got into bed.

"...but I just can't let you do this to yourself. I love you, you know? You're my son, and I can't bear to see you hurt yourself like this,"

There were a few more moments of silence before you felt like it was a good time to leave him to rest.

You leaned down to give him a kiss on the forehead, and got up to leave.

"Dad! Touya-nii hasn't eaten bud breakfast yet, can I have some of his please?"

"Natsuo I can just give you more food. But speaking of your brother, I should probably check up on him,"

You placed more food on the boy's plate, and walked off to his room.

You stood outside his door for a bit, thinking of the possible scenarios.

Would he act cold and dejected? Would he be angered and rash? Or would he act like it never happened at all?

Either way, you'd be prepared for the consequences.

Just as you were about to open the door, it slid open. Touya stood in front of him, his head hanging low as he stared at the ground.

"Touya, are-"

His arms wrapped around you as he hugged you tightly. It only took a few seconds before you could feel the tears on your shirt.

And what did you do? You hugged him back of course!

Though his voice was muffled, his words were clear,
"I'm sorry dad..."

You ran your hand along his back soothingly,
"Shhh, it's alright,"

He wiped his face on your shirt before looking up at you,
"You're not mad at me?"

"Of course not, I was just worried. Could you tell me why you always stay up late studying?"

"I wanted to do good on my tests,"

You wiped a tear away from his face,
"The whole reason, Touya,"

He spoke, although there was a hint of embarrassment,
"I did it so you'd be proud of me,"

You hugged him tighter,
"Oh you sweet boy! I'll always be proud of you! You don't have to do good on some silly test for me to be proud!"

He laughed while you continued to give him affection.

"You're a good kid, Touya. I couldn't be prouder of you,"

He gave you a guilty look,
"Would you still be proud if I asked for a break from schoolwork?"

"What? I thought you liked school?"

He stared off to the side,
"I don't necessarily hate it, but I particularly enjoy it too much either,"

You smiled at him, happy that he was honest with you,
"Alright, I'll give you a break. Now you should probably go and get to your breakfast before your brother eats it,"

With a shocked expression he ran off,


I wanted to make this sadder but then I decided to not make it that sad

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