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There was a knock at the door, so after turning the stove off, you went to check it out. You slowly opened the door to reveal the last person you wanted to see.

"What are you doing here?"

Aizawa stared at you blankly,
"I'm here to talk,"

You didn't have much say on whether or not he could enter due to the leverage he had on you, so you let him in.

The two of you sat at opposite ends of a table.

"Should I get you some tea?"

He waved his hand dismissively,
"There's no need. I'm here to talk about the boy,"

You sighed,
"Of course you are,"

"When are you going to tell him that his son is alive?"

You crossed your arms,
"Touya will tell him when he feels comfortable enough,"

"I don't think that's something for him to decide. He's his son, he deserves to know the truth. If you won't tell him, then I will,"

"Absolutely not! Do you know what went on in this home before I got here? That man is unfit to raise these children,"

He argued,
"Maybe he was a shitty dad for a while, but if you told him about Touya, then maybe he'd change,"

"Or he'd go back to his old ways and I wouldn't be there to comfort the children, I just can't-"

You heard footsteps approaching, and recognizing them as Touya's, you cloaked him with your quirk. But you weren't the only one who heard it, and one look from the pro hero across from you revealed the boy.

Aizawa sighed in annoyance,
"You can't just keep hiding him. You can't deprive the boy the experience of going to school, having friends, going outside without having to worry about being seen. It's cruel,"

Cruel... that word echoed in your heart and mind. Were you truly doing the right thing? No child should have to live the way that Touya was living right now. He couldn't go outside unless he was with you, he was constantly hiding his identity, and he only had one friend who he'd only get to see occasionally.

Were you just making things worse?

You looked over to the boy,
"Touya, would you come here?"

He hesitantly made his way over to you, worried about what you were going to ask.

You cupped his cheek, gazing into his eyes softly,
"How do you feel about talking to your father?"

You could feel him freeze up for a moment before he spoke,
"I think..."

Would he really do this? He knew his father kind of sucked, but deep down, he still wanted his love. But it also might mean you'd get fired, and he wasn't sure if it was worth it.

"I think I'll tell him... I think I'm done with hiding,"

You gave him a hug,
"I'm so proud of you. Never forget that,"

You could feel him nod as he hugged you back.

Once the hug was over, you turned toward the pro hero.
"I think you've done what you needed to do. Goodbye,"

He let out a sigh before leaving the house, unsure if what he was doing was right.

There'd be a little bit until the kids' father would be home due to him currently being overseas, so for the time being you would try to make their lives as happy as possible.

They deserved it.

We are getting close to the reveal YALL idk how much longer this fic is gonna last

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