Sidestory: Scaramouche pt 3

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While Kunikuzushi carried a hen in his arms, he heard the conversation of a child and their father passing by.

"Papa! Pick me up please!"

The man chuckled before bringing his little one into his arms, the small child giggling the whole while.

Kunikuzushi looked down at the hen in his arms, imagining what it'd feel like to be carried like that.

And then he had another idea, one he'd hope you'd like.


The purple haired boy suddenly burst into your room,
"Mister, can I ask you something?"

A little bit shocked, you nodded your head.

Kunikuzushi spoke with a hint of nervousness,
"Could I... call you father? I know it may seem odd seeing as I haven't known you for too long, but I thought that-"

He stopped speaking as he felt your hand on his head, and he looked up to see a proud smile on your face.

"Of course, son,"


The word made his heart swell with happiness as he hugged you tightly.

"You're great, father!"

You chuckled,
"You're great too, son!"

It all seemed to be going a bit too fast but that was alright. You were never a very patient person anyways.


As thunder raged on outside your home, you sensed someone entering your room, and judging by the sound of them setting up their futon, you could tell who it was.

"Kuni? What're you doing here?"

He jolted a bit in surprise, how did you notice him?!

"I don't like the lightning and thunder. It brings back bad memories,"

The rain beat on the roof of your house harshly, and seemed as though it'd never stop. With every strike of lightning, every beat of thunder, your son would grow more and more tense.

"Father? Could I have a hug?"

You turned around in your futon to face him,
"Hmm? Why?"

"I'm not sure why, I just feel as though it'd help. You don't have to if you don't want to, I don't want to force you to-"

He was cut off as you held him close to you. You wouldn't be able to heal the hurt he's felt, but you'd hold him in your arms if you could.

The lightning wouldn't bother him for the rest of the night as he knew you'd stay with him by his side as he remained in your embrace.

It was in that moment you realized your wish had been granted.

You had a child of your own. One who you loved, and who'd love you back just as much.

Over the passing years your son would develop a better sense of personality, no longer being a blank slate.

He had some sass to him now, but he was still your precious son. Of course their was the issue of his immortality though. He'd outlive you and all the friends he'd made, and there wasn't much you could do about that.

"One day, Kuni, I'll be gone from this world,"

His eyes drooped as he heard you speak.

"And when that time comes, I want you to know that I'll always be watching over you, loving you,"

He hugged you tightly,
"I don't like it when you talk like that, father. It scares me,"

You hugged your son back,
"I know, I know. I just don't want you to feel too bad when I'm gone,"

You could hear him sniffle as he imagined a life without you. You were his father, he didn't know what he'd do without you.

"My sweet boy..."

You kissed the top of his head as he kept his eyes shut tight.

If only you had the same lifespan as him.

It wasn't fair, he thought. It wasn't fair that good people like you would have the inevitably die.

But for the time being, he'd cherish the moments he shared with you.

He was your son, and nothing would change that. Not even death.



The Best Nanny (Todoroki siblings + m!reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora