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"Wait, where're you going?!"
Little Shoto grabbed onto your legs as you headed for the front door.

"Shoto? I already put you to bed, didn't I?"

You picked him up into your arms as he gave you a concerned look.

"Yeah, but then I heard you leaving!"

"Oh Shoto, I'm not gonna be able to stay the night here like I used to anymore,"

The news devastated the little boy.
"Why not?"

"Well, I've got my own little boy at home, and he'd be very sad if his father wasn't there to put him to bed,"

Shoto didn't like this answer.
"What if I have a bad dream?"

You kissed his forehead,
"Then I want you to remember, bad dream are just that, dreams. Besides, I'm sure your siblings would be happy to help you,"

You placed the boy into his bed.
"This is goodbye for real, alright?"

He nodded sadly before asking,
"Are you gonna come back?"

You chuckled,
"Of course I will. Tomorrow morning I'll be in the kitchen making breakfast, and you can tell me all about your dreams,"

That seemed to soothe the boy a little bit, and soon after, you left.


"Tenko! I'm home!"


Your little boy came running over to you, hugging you as soon as he could.

"I missed you too, Tenko. Did you already eat?"

He nodded his head,
"Papa Toshinori brought food,"

"That's good to hear. Let's put you to bed now. Want me to read you a story?"

"Yes please!"


While you were finishing up making the Todoroki kids their breakfast, a small boy hugged your legs from behind.

"Good morning, Shoto. Did you sleep well?"

He hummed in response,

You patted the boy's head,
"Glad to hear that. Now sir down at the table, I'm almost done with breakfast,"

He did as he was told happily. He was just glad that you actually came back.


"Morning, Touya. How was-"

The boy huffed as he took his plate of food and left, his siblings looking away a bit embarrassed from his actions.

"Don't worry, Mr. (L/n),"
Fuyumi began.

"I'm sure Touya-nii is just adjusting to the change,"

You sighed,
"I hope so,"

You were honestly surprised at how the boy had switched up on you. A few months ago he looked up to you, and now the only look he was giving you was a dirty one.


Throughout the day all the teenaged Todoroki boy did was ignore you and any attempts you made to get to the bottom of the situation.

You just didn't get it. You saved that boy and gave him a safe environment to heal from his past, and now he was giving you the cold shoulder?!

It's not like you would ignore him back either, that'd just be cruel. If your child tells you they hate you, you don't tell them you hate them as well.

So instead, you would go nuclear. You would increase your efforts of reaching out, no matter how annoying it was. You'd keep showing him kindness even if he didn't reciprocate.

If things went right, you'd be able to smoke him out of his funk with all of your annoyingness.


Touya was pissed as hell when he found out you'd come back. He'd just gotten a taste of affection from his father, and now it was gone! Everything he'd ever wanted was once again lost.

His anger clouded his mind when it came to the fact that you'd saved him.

And was it just him or were you more annoying than before?

Either way, he was unhappy and it showed, though he had too much pride to tell anyone why.

Even if it was the most obvious thing in the universe. It'd only taken you a few days to figure it out, and when questioned about it, Fuyumi stated how she predicted something like would've happened as soon as she saw you.

"Oh sweet Tenko, please don't ever become an edgy teen,"

The boy who was laying on top of you gave you a confused look,
"What's that mean?"

You squished his cheeks,


I made the spy x family thingy also you will keep annoying Touya until he leaves his edgy teen phase

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