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As you approached the tall building, you preemptively answered Touya's question.

"I have someone I'd like you to meet,"

In the afternoon, you were kicked out of the Todoroki home.

Endeavor had made a surprise visit, telling you that his agency had 'recommended' for him to spend some time with his children. In his mind, you were an obstacle, (even if you were needed), so he kicked you out of the house until the next day.

Before you left the house, you made sure to hug the three children before making Touya invisible and slipping out of the house.

You expected to be greeted when you got to the apartment, but it was dead silent. Were they not home?

Holding Touya's hand, you walked about the apartment, searching for the pro hero or your shared son.

Light could be seen coming from a door down the hallway, the bathroom door. You slowly approached the door and took a peak. What you saw horrified you.

"Toshinori! What do you think you're doing!?"

The large man had blue surgical gloves on, both of which were dyed pitch black.

While the blonde struggled to explain himself, your son took note of your presence.

"Papa! You're here!"

"Yes I am. Now could one of you two explain what's going on?"

For some reason the seven year old was the one to explain it,
"I told papa Toshinori that my hair used to be black, and he said he could make it like that again!"

You checked the box dye that All Might was using.

"Seriously. Did you get this from the convenience store? I didn't even think they had these?!"

He shrugged guiltily,
"I thought all dyes were the same! Isn't it all just a marketing trick?"

You sighed, a little bit too annoyed to lecture the pro hero.

Tenko gave you a worried look,
"Papa, are you mad at me?"

You cupped his cheek gently,
"Of course not. A bit annoyed at your other dad, but not mad at you,"

The boy smiled with relief while Toshinori chuckled nervously.

Touya was thoroughly confused. Who was this other boy, and why did he call you 'papa?' AND WHEN DID ALL MIGHT GET A SON?!

Tenko took note of Touya, and hopped off his chair to greet him.

He held out his gloved hand,
"Hi! I'm Tenko, whats your name?"

There was nervousness in his voice made obvious by the way it shook. He hadn't seen anyone around his age in so long, and even before the incident, he didn't really have too many friends. But this boy seemed to know you, and everyone you know has to be amazing, right?

Touya shook Tenko's hand, making the younger boy very excited,
"I'm... Dabi,"

Tenko questioned,
"How do you know my papa?"

Touya looked away from him nervously,
"He's also my dad,"

Tenko gasped,
"Does that mean we're brothers?!"

Tenko looked at you with hope,

You chuckled, almost patting his head, but stopping due to the fact that you didn't want your hand dyed.
"That's for him to decide. But I think being friends is just as good, right?"

The Best Nanny (Todoroki siblings + m!reader)Where stories live. Discover now